Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

False Allegations - Index

Cases - 2005

The Dominion Post
August 27 2005

Man guilty on threat count

A man accused of raping his former girlfriend has been found not guilty on that charge but guilty of threatening to kill her.

Palmerston North District Court had earlier heard a tape recording made by the complainant in which Trevor Ernest Connolly appeared to admit that what he had done was wrong.

The jury returned its verdicts on Thursday night. As the guilty verdict was read out, Connolly, of Palmerston North, looked shaken. In the public gallery his daughter and other supporters wept.

An excited gasp greeted the not guilty verdict and there were hugs and handshakes all round.

The complainant said Connolly had raped her after a campaign of harassment.

Connolly's lawyer, Mike Antunovic, argued that the rape accusation was made up to deny Connolly access to the son he shared with the complainant.

Judge Les Atkins said the charge he was found guilty of was "not a charge of significance or seriousness" compared with the rape charge, and freed him on bail. Sentencing is on September 15.