Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

False Allegations - Index

Cases - 2005

TVNZ - Close Up
September 12 2005

Family at centre of false accusations

Child sex abuse is a horrible crime and one that happens far too often.

Child, Youth and Family has the tough job of investigating the cases - sorting out the fact from the fiction.

One Auckland family knows all too well what CYF has to do after they became the innocent victim of a false claim of sexual abuse. For 24 hours they had to live with the claim that the father had abused his three-year-old daughter.

John* and Anna*, who have two children, say it was a horrible time and they are upset about the way CYF presumed the father was guilty even though there was no evidence against him.

Anna says the Takapuna office of CYF said they had reason to believe their daughter was in an unsafe environment.

She says she was flabbergasted.

John phoned the CYF manager. After some prodding he was told he was under investigation for sexually abusing his three-year-old daughter, but he wasn't getting answers from CYF.

"We were trying to get to the nitty gritty of finding out exactly what was observed and what they had a specific concern about and basically he just couldn't answer it," John told Close Up.

The family went down to the CYF office and John was interviewed for about 30 minutes.

The accusations didn't stop with the sexual abuse, he was also questioned about whether he had an alcohol problem.

The children were interviewed without their parents present and it was after that John was cleared.

The child psychiatrist said there was absolutely nothing wrong, the kids were perfect and she was sorry to have put them through the process.

John says that was the most dramatic thing.

"The way the tone changed from one of you're guilty explain yourself, to the child psychiatrist coming back in to the office and the attitude changing dramatically," says John.

Just days after the interview with Close Up the family got hold of the CYF files and found out that letters had been sent to local schools about the case, before CYF had even spoken to the family.

The children were named in the letters.

CYF also spoke to the police.

A week on the family is still reeling from the experience and wondering who pointed the finger.

CYF is not allowed to release any names.

John and Anna say the point of going public is that they believe CYF needs to tighten up their procedures.

"They've just taken a phone call over their 0800 nationwide telephone number and to accuse someone of such a major thing as sexual abuse, is absolutely mind blowing," says Anna.

The chief social worker with CYF, Marie Connolly is defending the letter sent to the schools before the family was spoken to.

She says CYF would have checked with the schools to find out where the child was attending school.

But if CYF had done some basic homework they would have known the child was only three-year's-old.

"Judgements are made about whether to proceed with an investigation and in this case it was decided the allegations needed to be investigated," Connolly says.

She says it is inevitably difficult for families when a social worker investigates a sexual abuse allegation, but their concern is primarily with the safety of the child and it would be irresponsible not to investigate.

The family are not happy with CYF response and are not giving up on this case. They are taking their concerns to the Privacy Commissioner and to the Ombudsman.

*The names of the family have been changed.