Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

False Allegations - Index

Cases - 2005

The Dominion Post
September 16 2005

Threat to kill earns community service

A Palmerston North man acquitted of raping his former partner has been sentenced to community service for threatening to kill her.

Trevor Ernest Connolly, 47, was tried last month for raping and threatening to kill his former partner.

Part of the prosecution case involved a tape recording made by the complainant of Connolly allegedly apologising for the rape and admitting what he did was wrong.

The jury took five hours to find him not guilty of rape but guilty of threatening to kill.

Judge Les Atkins turned down a submission for a conviction and discharge from Connolly's lawyer, Mike Antunovic.

Instead, he imposed 80 hours' community service.

Justice Atkins said the sentence reflected the seriousness of the offence and that Connolly did not appear to have faced up to and dealt with his offending.