Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

False Allegations - Index

Cases - 2006

The Nelson Mail
February 16 2006

Teenager misses court appearance


A Christchurch teenager accused of making a false rape complaint against two men while on holiday in Nelson faces being arrested after failing to attend a court hearing.

Ahnaka Renee Dunne, 17, was due to appear in the Christchurch District Court yesterday on a charge of making a false complaint to police on December 29.

Six detectives were assigned to investigate her complaint that she had been gagged and raped by two men in Centennial Park in Tahunanui. But police inquiries raised concerns about her claim.

Police discovered that she had met the two men earlier that evening, had been significantly affected by alcohol, and later felt embarrassed by what had happened.

She allegedly told friends she had been raped but was carried along with the lie when the police became involved.

Nelson police said Dunne had admitted inventing the rape claim. At the time, she was only two weeks past her 17th birthday.

Dunne failed to appear when her case was called yesterday .

Police prosecutor Sergeant Dave Robertson said her case was being considered for diversion.