Allegations of Sexual Abuse

False Allegations - Index

News Reports - NZ Cases 2006
False allegations primarily of sexual abuse, but also including other bizarre claims. A number of reports are of unproven cases, or cases where a convicted person still protests his innocence

This page last updated Dec 14 2006 

18-year-old-woman - December - Auckland
new Dec 14 2006
Auckland police investigated what they described as a "frightening abduction" of a woman by "three north African men".  Later in the day the police made a statement that the woman has told them the complaint was false
Abduction false
2006-1213 - Newstalk ZB - Auckland abduction claim false
2006-1213 - Stuff - Teen admits she was not abducted
2006-1213 - Radio NZ - Teenager withdraws abduction claims

Initial claims
2006-1213 - One News - Woman abducted in Newmarket
2006-1213 - Radio Live - Alleged daylight abduction
2006-1213 - Newstalk ZB - Woman abducted in Auckland
2006-1213 - Radio NZ - Police looking for three men allegedly involved in abduction

25-year-old-woman - October - Christchurch
Woman admitted making false allegation of sexual violation; Her partner spent 11 days in custody as a result, and then while on bail subjected to strict curfew. 
She told police she had invented the assault and had in fact consented to sex. She said she made the allegations up to get her partner out of her life and win custody of the children.
2006-1019 - The Press - False claim puts woman in trouble

21-year-old man - September - Christchurch
A man admitted making a false complaint after he earlier claimed that he was abducted
2006-0925 - Dominion Post - False complaint   
 (New Dec 14 2006)

48-year-old-woman - September - New Plymouth
Woman denied making a false rape complaint when she appeared before the court. She was remanded on bail for a status hearing on November 3
2006-0929 - Taranaki Daily News - Hoaxer told she's a pain in the neck
2006-0724 - Radio NZ - False complaints

21-year-old-woman - September - Christchurch
A woman has been charged with making a false rape complaint against champion jockey Michael Walker, the former "wild boy" of New Zealand racing. The Napier woman, 21, is believed to be known to Walker, 22. In court she pleaded guilty and sentenced to 100 hours community work
2006-1026 - Dominion Post - Rape by jockey untrue, woman admits in court  (New Dec 14 2006)

2006-0925 - Waikato Times - Woman charged with false complaint against jockey
2006-0925 - NZ Herald - False rape claim charge
2006-0924 - Sunday News - Shock for top jockey
2006-0924 - Sunday Star Times - Jockey in the clear
2006-0924 - Newstalk ZB - Arrest for false rape complaint

29-year-old man - September - Timaru
A Timaru man dialled 111 and claimed his neighbour was threatening to kill him with a knife, because he wanted attention
2006-0920 - Timaru Herald - Attention-seeking emergency call    
 (New Dec 14 2006)

Paediatrician and CYF - September - Wellington
A mother was wrongly accused of harming her son, and lost most of the first year of her young son's life. It took a prolonged Family Court battle for the woman to prove she did not have Munchausen's syndrome by proxy (MSBP) - and to regain custody of her son. Australian anti-MSBP campaigner Michael Nott says it is "almost impossible" for women who are falsely accused to clear their names.
2006-0917 - Sunday Star Times - Custody battle finally over for mum

15-year-old girl - September - New Plymouth
Girl makes accusations against her 40 year old father. Defence lawyer describes accusations as pack of lies. Man is acquitted of four charges including rape; Jury cannot reach decision on fifth indecent assault charge;
2006-0909 - Taranaki Daily News - Man acquitted
2006-0907 - Taranaki Daily News - Girl tells court of father's betrayal

15-year-old-girl - August - Christchurch
Police have referred a 15-year old girl to Youth Aid after she admitted lying about being raped
2006-0831 - The Press - Girl lied about rape

22-year-old woman - August - Christchurch
An innocent man spent six days in custody after a woman made a false assault complaint. She admitted a charge of making a false complaint. Judge Stephen Erber told her that what she did affected the credibility of legitimate victims who could have their genuine complaint viewed more sceptically
2006-0825 - The Press - Man jailed after woman's false complaint   
(New Dec 14 2006)

Unknown Age - August - New Plymouth
Man had rape and indecent assault charges dismissed  when prosecutor offered no evidence
2006-0822 - Taranaki Daily News - Rape case dismissed

15-year-old girl - July - New Plymouth
A jury took less than an hour to acquit a former schoolmate of the complainant. Complainant had given "unreliable evidence, was intoxicated, and in fact had never been in the house"  "She started telling stories that she got stuck with"
2006-0801 - Taranaki Daily News - Naming unfair
2006-0729 - Taranaki Daily News - Teenager not guilty of rape
2006-0727 - Taranaki Daily News - Teen in tears at rape trial
2006-0330 - Taranaki Daily News - Teenager faces rape trial
2006-0216 - Taranaki Daily News - Rape-charge teen

Three girls (unrelated cases) - July - New Plymouth
In three separate unrelated cases girls made false sex complaints, police believe. The girls were not charged.
2006-0724 - Radio NZ - False complaints

16-year-old-girl - July - New Plymouth
Girl referred to Youth aid for making a false sex complaint
2006-0724 - Radio NZ - False complaints

31-year-old-woman - July - Masterton
An Upper Hutt woman who accused her partner of trying to strangle her has admitted she made it up. She was sentenced to 40 hours' community work for making a false statement
2006-0721 - Dominion Post - Attack story made up

53-year-old-woman - July - Auckland
1: Crime reported:
Serious allegations: 
A woman is in hospital with burns after allegedly being abducted from outside her home, driven to the Auckland Domain and set on fire
2006-0706 - NZ Herald - I was abducted and set on fire, woman tells police

2: Police Inquiries "woman made it all up":
An Auckland woman who claimed to have been abducted and set on fire earlier this month made it all up, a police investigation has found.  It is understood police are considering charging the woman
2006-0712 - NZ Herald - Domain kidnapping inquiry continues
2006-0714 - Newstalk ZB - Abduction allegation appears untrue
2006-0714 - Stuff - 'Abducted' Auckland woman made it up
2006-0714 - NZ Herald - Domain 'abduction' did not happen, police say

3. Woman charged with arson and false complaint
Police said the woman had appeared in Auckland District Court accused of arson and making a false complaint
2006-0831 - NZ Herald - 'Kidnapped' woman charged with arson, false complaint
2006-0831 - Stuff - 'Kidnapped' woman charged with arson
2006-0901 - Dominion Post - False claim  
 (New Dec 14 2006)

40-year-old-man - July - Wellington
A 40 year old man made historical sex abuse accusations against a 47 year old company director, claiming that he had been abused between the ages of 11 and 15. He was acquitted.  The defence lawyer said the pair had engaged in mutual sexual activity when the boy was over the age of 16, and the accuser had mistaken the timing of the events.
2006-0715 - Stuff - Man not guilty of historical sex abuse charges
2006-0715 - Dominion Post - Sex charges acquittal

Teenage Male - July - Wellington
A jury took less than five hours to acquit a former Rimutaka Prison guard of one charge of indecently assaulting a teenage child sex offender in jail. The jury failed to agree on a second indecent assault charge.
2006-0715 - Dominion Post - Guard acquitted on indecency charge

Woman-Early-Twenties - July - Palmerston North
A visiting English rugby team has been cleared of wrongdoing after a Palmerston North woman claimed she was raped after a drunken night out……… After investigating, police had cleared the player and his teammates. No charges would be laid. It appeared the woman had too much to drink and did not remember having sex, Mr Clifford said.
2006-0706 - Dominion Post - Players cleared in rape claim

16-year-old girl - June - Timaru
A 16-year-old Timaru girl has been referred to youth aid in relation to a false allegation of abduction
2006-0620 - Timaru Herald - False complaint  (New Dec 14 2006)

27-year-old-woman - June - Palmerston North
The pair met on the internet swapping sexually explicit email, chat room and text messages before arranging to meet at the woman's home. They had sex, and he was accused of rape. The defence lawyer said the woman regretted having sex with his client but what happened in her bedroom that night was consensual. He was acquitted - as he heard the "Not Guilty" verdict, he put his head in his hands and cried
2006-0613 - Manawatu Standard - Net date brings rape charge
2006-0614 - Manawatu Standard - Rape accused sent nude photos
2006-0615 - Manawatu Standard - Accused 'misread signals'

2006-0616 - Manawatu Standard - Internet sex man found not guilty of rape

Woman-Early-Thirties - June - Timaru
A 2005 rape case, declared a false allegation case in June 2006.

The case was given prominent publicity when the allegations were made, but when found to be a false statement, the case was only nominally reported. Not only was the report only briefly mentioned, but it was buried at the bottom of report of a completely different case involving sex abuse charges against another man. is appalled at the double standard involved by the media.

1: Crime reported:
Timaru police are hunting for two men after a woman was abducted at knife point outside a pub on Monday night and taken to Caroline Bay and raped". The complaint was specific in details and made against "two Maori males"
2005-0112 - Timaru Herald - Woman abducted from pub, raped
2005-0113 - Timaru Herald - 'Helpful leads' in rape inquiry

2: "Victim" embellishes story to media
The woman at the centre of last week's knifepoint abduction and rape in Timaru said yesterday that the offenders had shattered her dreams."  "She spoke out because she wants the offenders and their supporters to know what they have done to her and her children"
2005-0118 - Timaru Herald - Rape victim tells of how dreams were destroyed
2005-0118 - The Press - Rapists ruin hope of new life

3: Janet Lorimer of Womens Refuge easily duped, and makes statement
Janet Lorimer claims to know: "
There are rumours going around,…that she was crying wolf and that is not true"  "It was awful. The sobbing just wouldn't stop. …. It was the most terrible thing" "I don't know she will ever get over it. I hope she'll get angry soon" says that organisations like Refuge should provide support for complainants, but says that such support should not be dependent on throwing away all scepticism.
2005-0119 - Timaru Herald - Refuge urges women to speak up over rape

4: Investigations continue and after 15 months determination of "false statement"
At the bottom of a report about a completely separate case of a man being charged with intent to rape, the police "warn" the woman for making a false statement.
2005-0330 - Timaru Herald - Investigation still continuing
2006-0621 - Timaru Herald - Charge for historic rape

16-year-old-girl - June - Wellington
Accusation against Primary School Teacher
Case thrown out by Judge as "impossible"

A 42 year old teacher was accused by a 16 year old girl of rape alleged to have occurred when the girl was seven. The teacher was stood down from teaching duties until trial which occurred in June 2006, 13 months after the accusation was made.  The girl claimed that, after having sex education, she was able to make sense of her memories. "These are definite memories, not fantasies. I remember the feeling of being raped. I cannot have imagined it." 

But after evidence was presented in Court, the judge threw out the case before the jury could consider the evidence. The judge  found it "implausible, then unlikely and then impossible" that offences had been committed.
Index of (23) news reports on the case
Press Release by after the case was ended

Man acquitted of four sex charges - June - Wellington
A 21 year old man was acquitted of four sex charges, including rape, involving a mentally ill woman. He was found guilty of attempting to defeat the course of justice. After the alleged incident he had tried to give the woman $10,000 to withdraw the complaint.
2006-0621 - Stuff - Man, 21, cleared of four sex charges

6-year-old girl - June - Auckland Court
Retracted allegations aged 8, man freed from prison
A man who has spent nearly two years in jail for sexually assaulting a child has had the conviction quashed after the complainant retracted her claims. The girl, now 8, claimed her mother's partner committed indecencies on her when she was five or six.
2006-0620 - Dominion Post - Court quashes child sex verdict
2006-0620 - Taranaki Daily News - Girl retracts abuse claims

Man - June - Invercargill
A man who claimed he had been shot, sparking an armed offenders squad operation in Invercargill yesterday, has been charged with making a false complaint.
2006-0608 - Southland Times - False complaint charge 
(New Dec 14 2006)

Man - June - Christchurch
A Christchurch bus driver who told police he had been attacked by a woman at a bus stop has been sentenced to 200 hours of community service for wasting police time. He made the false complaint to police in May, just weeks after another bus driver had been attacked by a group of young girls in the city. His injuries were, in fact, sustained by falling down the steps of his bus
2006-0601 - Radio NZ - Bus driver arrested for making false complaint   (New Dec 14 2006)
2006-0601 - Stuff - Man charged with false complaint over alleged bus assault
2006-0915 - Radio NZ - Bus driver gets 200 hours community work  
(New Dec 14 2006)

15-year-old girl - June - Patea
Girl made accusation against 45 year old farmer. A doctor found no evidence supporting or refuting her claim. ESR found no traces of semen. The man
stood in the public gallery embracing supporters after his release.
2006-0603 - Taranaki Daily News - Rape accused not guilty

15-year-old girl - June - New Plymouth
Girl, described by defence as a mixed up young woman who manipulated and lied to get her own way, made an accusation of indecent assault and sexual violation. The man was found not guilty based on a defence that centred on the credibility of the witness.
2006-0530 - Taranaki Daily News - Sobs as young teen tells of sex attack
2006-0601 - Taranaki Daily News - Groundsman not guilty

Woman in her 40s - May - Wellington
Woman made accusations against a man she met through an internet dating service. The defence described the complaint as false and the complainant not credible. "S
he was embellishing what happened to try to get attention from other people, who then put pressure on her to go to the police". Evidence based on emails, phone sex and her behaviour suggested that they had engaged in consensual sex.  The man was cleared of all charges.
2006-0523 - Stuff - Internet dating and phone sex get public airing in court
2006-0524 - Stuff - Internet dating accuser just a 'drama queen' - defence
2006-0525 - Stuff - Internet dater found not guilty of sexual violation

21-year-old-woman - May - Cromwell
A visiting French winemaker was accused of rape by a 21-year-old woman who claimed he had sex with her after drugging her glass of wine. No evidence of drugs were found, and as a result no charges were laid
2006-0524 - Southland Times - French winemaker accused of rape
2006-0524 - The Press - Winemaker accused of drugging, rape
2006-0605 - The Press - No rape evidence

47-year-old-woman - May - Christchurch
1: Crime reported:
A massive manhunt is under way for a man who repeatedly stabbed a middle-aged woman as she jogged through a northern Christchurch park. The traumatised and bloodied woman managed to stagger more than 50m to a road before collapsing in front of shocked motorists after the unprovoked stabbing in the Styx Mill Reserve yesterday afternoon
2006-0519 - The Press - Woman jogger stabbed in park

2: Crime investigated; Public Concerns
Christchurch police …. urging residents to be careful.    Detective Senior Sergeant Grant Wormald, heading the investigation, said police had fielded many calls about possible sightings of the attacker, and some had provided potential suspects' names.  ……..Police hunting for a man who stabbed a woman as she jogged through a northern Christchurch park are sifting through a huge amount of information
2006-0520 - The Press - Attack frightens residents
2006-0521 - Sunday Star Times - Park attacks prompt warnin
2006-0522 - The Press - Stabbing brings calls
2006-0523 - The Press - Stab leads studied
2006-0524 - The Press - Stabbing inquiry

3: Claim "false"
The Christchurch woman who claimed she was attacked and stabbed by a man in the Styx Mill Reserve last month will be charged with making a false complaint to the police ……. "attack never happened and that her injuries were self-inflicted".
2006-0615 - Newstalk ZB - Stabbing claim labelled false by Christchurch police
2006-0615 - Newstalk ZB - Woman made false attack claim
2006-0615 - Stuff - Christchurch jogging attack claim not true – police
2006-0615 - NZ Herald - 'Attacked' woman jogger charged
2006-0616 - The Press - Police allege jogger's wounds self-inflicted
2006-0616 - One News - Jogger fakes attack, faces charges

4: Court Sequel
Police have offered diversion to a woman who falsely claimed she had been stabbed while jogging ………The woman stood trembling in the dock…… Judge Oke Blaikie ordered that interim name suppression continue …..withdraws not guilty plea and seeks diversion
2006-0616 - Newstalk ZB - Diversion offered in false complaint case
2006-0628 - One News - Suppression in false statement case
2006-0628 - Stuff - Accused in court over false attack claim

2006-0629 - The Press - Defendant trembles in dock
2006-0705 - Stuff - False assault claim accused withdraws not guilty plea
2006-0706 - The Press - Stabbing hoax

5. Discharged
Discharged with name suppression after completing police diversion
2006-0817 - Timaru Herald - Conviction avoided 
(New Dec 14 2006)
2006-0816 - The Press - 'Stabbed' jogger clear   
(New Dec 14 2006)

Adult male - May - Wellington
A jury took less than an hour to acquit a man accused of an allegation of historical sex assault
2006-0503 - NZ Herald - Man cleared of sex abuse of boys in 1980s

Adult female - May - Wellington
Charges dismissed against a man accused of sexually abusing his deaf daughter for more than 20 years. The judge said that the complainant "
struggled with concepts such as truth, lies and promises and did not understand the roles of judge, lawyer or jury". An earlier hearing had seen similar charges against her uncle dismissed.

2006-0503 - Dominion Post - Abuse case dismissed
2006-0406 - Dominion Post - Deaf woman ruled incompetent in trial
2006-0404 - Dominion Post - Father, uncle charged with abusing deaf woman

26-year-old-woman - April - Auckland
An Auckland woman dials 111 and tells police she has been slashed with a sword, then makes more calls saying she is bleeding badly. She is found three hours later, at home in bed, unharmed.
2006-0418 - Dominion Post - Police find 111 hoaxer in bed

26-year-old-woman - March - Wellington
1: Crime reported:
A woman was kidnapped as she walked along a Wellington street, and was later chased by her attackers through a popular bush reserve"… "managed to force her assailants to stop, then ran partly clad through Wilton Bush"
2006-0317 - NZ Herald - Wellington woman abducted
2006-0317 - Dominion Post - Abducted woman flees through bush

2: Crime investigated
Police are calling for help from the public to find two men who abducted a woman in Wellington on Wednesday night
2006-0317 - Newstalk ZB - Wellington woman's abduction ordeal
2006-0317 - Newstalk ZB - Info on abduction wanted

3: Crime false report:
Police investigating ….now believe the complaint was false. They have arrested a 26-year-old woman and charged her with attempting to pervert the course of justice. The woman pleaded guilty, and sentenced to community work.  She made the false claim "because she was angry with the police"
2006-0317 - Radio NZ - Wellington woman charged over false abduction complaint  (New Dec 14 2006)
2006-0317 - Newstalk ZB - Abduction complaint false, say police
2006-0317 - NZ Herald - Woman's abduction claim false police say
2006-0318 - Dominion Post - 'Kidnapped' woman arrested
2006-0706 - Dominion Post - False rape claimant angry with police
2006-0826 - Dominion Post - Woman sentenced on false attack claims 
(New Dec 14 2006)

17-year-old girl - February - Nelson
A Christchurch teenager accused of making a false rape complaint against two men while on holiday in Nelson faces being arrested after failing to attend a court hearing. She allegedly told friends she had been raped but was carried along with the lie when the police became involved.
2006-0216 - Nelson Mail - Teenager misses court appearance  
(New Dec 14 2006)