Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

False Allegations - Index

Cases - 2006

Dominion Post
April 4 2006

Father, uncle charged with abusing deaf woman
04 April 2006

A deaf woman was unable to tell anyone about years of sexual abuse by her uncle and father till she learned sign language, a jury has heard.

Wellington District Court jurors heard yesterday that the woman, whose name is suppressed, has been deaf from birth and would give evidence via interpreters.

Her father has pleaded not guilty to seven charges of indecent assault ranging from when his daughter was under 12 to when she was a married woman between 1972 to 2000.

Her uncle has pleaded not guilty to rape by sexual violation, doing an indecent act and indecent assault.

Crown prosecutor Kate Feltham said the complainant had a degree of mental impairment. She struggled to lip-read throughout most of her life but, when she was an adult, began to learn sign language.

Ms Feltham said the woman disclosed the sexual abuse to her teacher once she could communicate effectively.

The woman said her father touched her and forced her to touch him.

The prosecutor said her uncle lived with the family in the mid-


He raped her on the floor of the bathroom and made her pose naked for photographs. The pictures were discovered later and he was asked to leave the house.

Ms Feltham said the complainant did not tell anyone because she was frightened and unable to communicate properly.

When the father was spoken to he said the woman's mother had put her up to it. The uncle declined to make any statement.

The trial, before Judge Bruce Davidson, is expected to take several days.