Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

False Allegations - Index

Cases - 2006

The Press
May 20 2006

Attack frightens residents
Have you seen this man in the Styx Mill reserve area?
by Mike Steere

Police hunting the man who repeatedly stabbed a Christchurch woman as she jogged through a suburban park believe her attacker may be living rough in the area.

A large team of police combed the Styx Mill Reserve and surrounding area yesterday for clues to the man's identity as residents living nearby worried for their safety.

One mother spoken to yesterday said 90 per cent of parents at nearby Casebrook Intermediate dropped their children at school yesterday, rather than allow them to walk.

The mother said she felt unsafe allowing her children to walk to school.

"What happens if this person stabs a child? I still think it's really safe round here, but I think it's appalling something like this could happen to someone.

"I definitely would not walk through there, what if someone was there? That poor woman."

She said her daughter was "absolutely petrified" when she heard about the attack because the girl had seen someone matching the attacker's description on Thursday morning.

"She has just started riding her bike to school and then this happens -- she said she is never biking home again."

The 47-year-old victim of Thursday's attack was released from hospital yesterday and is understood to be recovering well at home, although she is still traumatised by her ordeal.

She received multiple stab wounds to her abdomen and hands as she fought off her attacker -- a man in his late teens or early 20s, who was wearing a grey-hooded top and who was about 175cm tall -- before staggering up to Husseys Road to get help.

Detective Senior Sergeant Grant Wormald, who is heading the police investigation into the stabbing, said several items of interest had been found during yesterday's search and police had fielded a huge stream of calls from the public.

"There are a few bits and pieces that have been picked up ... and the phones haven't stopped," Wormald said.

Among the calls had been many sightings of the alleged offender, he said. It appeared he may have been living rough in the reserve.

Nearby resident Debbie, who asked The Press not to print her surname for security reasons, said she went to the reserve for her daily walk on Thursday and was shocked to find motorists attending to the woman who had been stabbed.

"It was really shocking. She was extremely lucky to get out to the road."

Debbie said the timing had been frightening as she had seen a man of a similar description to the attacker acting suspiciously in the reserve the day before the stabbing," she said.

"I went for a run through there the day prior to that at exactly the same time and saw two guys in there ... I said `hello' but they didn't reply back. I didn't feel comfortable."

One of them was walking with his hood up over his head. "They just didn't fit there," she said.

On Thursday, she had been delayed and arrived at the reserve 30 minutes later than the day before.

"I thought `oh my God', heck, I could have been walking through there or seen something. Before I felt really safe in there ... now I definitely would not go in there on my own," she said.

Other residents and reserve users from the Styx Mill area had mixed reactions about safety in the park.

One woman, who was walking alone, said the attack was terrible, and it would make her think twice about going into the reserve alone.

However, an elderly couple who had lived next to the reserve for 12 years, said they would not be deterred from walking through it.

"I think it is an isolated incident, it is lovely down there. It's a great looking and safe walking track," the man said.

Wormald asked anyone who had information about the attack, or who may have seen someone fitting the description given, in the Styx Mill area in the last few weeks, to contact police.

* A second middle-aged woman has reported being the victim of an unprovoked attack this week. She was walking through Bradford Park in Sydenham on Wednesday afternoon when a man allegedly hit her several times across the head. She was left with a bloodied face and nose, but nothing was taken from her. Police are investigating.


Have you seen this man in the Styx Mill reserve area?

* Caucasian male late teens to early 20s

* About 157cm to 167cm tall (5'6" to 5'9")

* Medium build

* Wearing a distinctive grey hooded sweatshirt

* Hoodie had a long, dirty appearance.



Grant Wormald. Seeking clues: police officers comb the scene near Husseys Road where a woman was stabbed on Thursday. Photo: Stacy Squires