Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

False Allegations - Index

Cases - 2006

NZ Herald
June 15 2006; 13:00

'Attacked' woman jogger charged

Police have charged a 47-year-old woman with making a false complaint after she claimed she was attacked while jogging last month.

A team of about 30 police combed the Styx Mill Reserve, on the northern fringes of Christchurch, on May 18 after the woman said she was stabbed repeatedly in a frenzied attack by a man in his late teens wearing a dirty hooded sweatshirt.

She told police he grabbed her and stabbed her in the stomach, arms and hands before she managed to break free and flee.

Police combed the area, interviewing a number of local residents who reported seeing a man with a similar description to that given by the woman hanging around the reserve.

Members of the public nominated possible suspects and police fielded hundreds of calls after appealing for help in their investigation.

But today inquiry head Detective Senior Sergeant Grant Wormald said he was satisfied there had been no attack.

Mr Wormald thanked the public for the "wealth of information" provided.

Police were now sure the man described by the woman was not involved in any way.

"I'm very pleased to assure the public that there was no crazed man in that area as described," he said.

"The public can be reassured that they can use this recreational facility safely."

Mr Wormald said the woman would appear in court charged with making a false complaint to police.