Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

False Allegations - Index

Cases - 2006

The Dominion Post
June 20 2006

Court quashes child sex verdict

A man who has spent nearly two years in jail after being convicted of sexually assaulting a child has had the conviction quashed after the complainant retracted her claims.

The girl, now 8, had claimed her mother's partner committed indecencies on her when she was 5 or 6.

The man stood trial in the High Court at Auckland and was found guilty of one charge each of indecent assault and inducing an indecent act and two charges of unlawful sexual connection.

He was sentenced to four years' jail in July 2004.

He immediately appealed on the grounds that the evidence did not support the verdicts and that the judge was wrong to let the jury hear evidence of his previous convictions.

Before the appeal was heard the man's lawyer said another ground, that the child had recanted the evidence she gave at trial, was to be raised.

A senior Queen's counsel, Ailsa Duffy, interviewed the girl and in a report to the Court of Appeal said she did not know when the girl had told the truth.

"Her retraction is capable of belief; but so is her original complaint," Ms Duffy said.

The girl's original evidence -- given at two trials because the first jury could not agree on all the charges -- had flowed, was cogent and detailed enough to give the impression that the indecencies had happened.

Events since the trial might have made the girl think her mother was going to reject her, so she tried to undo what she had brought about, Ms Duffy said.

After receiving the report, the Court of Appeal freed the man on bail last month pending the appeal hearing.

When the appeal was heard in Auckland last week the Crown did not oppose its being granted.

The court said there was now a question mark over the girl's evidence. Without her evidence the convictions could not be sustained.

The Crown did not seek a new trial.