Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

False Allegations - Index

Cases - 2006

July 5 2006

False assault claim accused withdraws not guilty plea

A woman charged with falsely claiming she had been attacked and stabbed in Christchurch's Styx Mill Reserve has withdrawn her not guilty plea and is seeking diversion.

The diversion scheme is available only for first offenders and is decided on after discussions with police. If it is granted, the offender does not get a conviction.

Police spent hundreds of hours searching for a man the woman said had attacked her while she was jogging in the reserve on May 19.

Police called for the help of residents and park users to try to locate the "dangerous" man.

The woman received multiple stab wounds to her abdomen and hands as she fought off her attacker, the police believed at the time.

The woman appeared in court last week seeking diversion, but Judge Oke Blaikie indicated he wanted the process to be transparent, rather than carried out in closed discussions with the police.

He sent it to a status hearing next month, but said her not guilty pleas did not rule out diversion being granted.

The 47-year-old woman stood shaking in the dock again today when she made an unexpected appearance in court with a different lawyer.

Michael Knowles sought permission to vacate the not guilty plea and asked for a remand to August 14 for diversion to be considered.

Judge Murray Abbott granted that and remanded her at large.

He agreed with the previous judge's assessment of the medical report given to the court last week, and granted her interim name suppression.