Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

False Allegations - Index

Cases - 2006

NZ Herald
July 14 2006; 10:15

Domain 'abduction' did not happen, police say
NZ Herald Staff

Police inspecting the burned car last week..
Picture by Richard Robinson


Police say a woman's claims that she was abducted and her car set alight in the Domain in Auckland were untrue.

Following inquiries into the case, which was alleged to have happened on the night of July 4, officers determined there was no such abduction or assault.

The Fire Service were called to the Domain at midnight that day, where they extinguished a fire in a car - a 1998 black BMW - in Lover's Lane.

The woman at the centre of the complaint called police about half an hour later claiming she'd been abducted in her own vehicle and driven to the Domain where she and her car were doused in petrol and set alight.

The woman, who is in her fifties, is still in hospital suffering from burns received when her car was set on fire.

Police inquiries are on-going but the officer in charge of the case, Detective Sergeant Brett Batty, said he was confident that there was no offender as described to police by the woman.