Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

False Allegations - Index

Cases - 2006

Taranaki Daily News
July 29 2006

Teenager not guilty of rape

A New Plymouth jury took less than an hour yesterday to acquit Kerin James Lewis Baldwin (17) of raping a former schoolmate.

The Crown had alleged that Baldwin lured the complainant to his house on false pretences, dragged her downstairs, locked her in his bedroom and sexually violated her.

Yesterday, defence counsel Julian Hannam said the victim had given unreliable evidence, had been extremely intoxicated when she was making the allegations.

He said she had, in fact, never been at the accused's house on the night in question.

"She started telling stories that she got stuck with," he said.

Mr Hannam said the alleged victim had a habit of becoming extremely emotional when she was drunk. Her evidence also did not match her initial statement at vital times.