Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

False Allegations - Index

Cases - 2006

The Press
August 16 2006

'Stabbed' jogger clear
by Dean Calcott

A woman who sparked a manhunt after claiming she was attacked by a hooded stranger while jogging through a northern Christchurch park has been discharged by a judge after completing the police diversion scheme.

In the Christchurch District Court yesterday, police withdrew a charge of making a false complaint. The woman, 47, was granted permanent name suppression by Judge Oke Blaikie.

Police started a manhunt after the woman claimed she was stabbed while jogging in the Styx Mill Reserve. They spent more than 2000 man-hours investigating the claims.

The woman was taken to Christchurch Hospital with wounds to her abdomen and hands. About 50 officers and a helicopter scoured the Styx area, but no trace of an attacker was found.

At an earlier hearing, the judge accepted that the woman's health had declined to the point it was a significant factor in the events. He said a medical report described a debilitating illness and acute stress factors.

Yesterday, Sergeant Paul Brocas said police did not oppose applications to withdraw the charge and for final name suppression.

The judge said the woman had a "horrific" experience.