Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

False Allegations - Index

Cases - 2006

The Press
August 25 2006

Man jailed after woman's false complaint
by Dean Calcott

An innocent man spent six days in custody after a woman made a false assault complaint, the Christchurch District Court has been told.

Judge Stephen Erber told Jasmine Moana Huta, 22, that what she did affected the credibility of legitimate victims who could have their genuine complaint viewed more sceptically.

"What you have done devalues the currency of other people who claim to be in the position you said you were in," he said.

Huta admitted a charge of making a false complaint.

Sergeant Brent Register said that on July 6 Huta complained to police that her boyfriend had attacked her by grabbing her round the neck, holding a knife to her cheek and saying he would "make her ugly". She made a written statement of the alleged events and signed it.

The man was charged with male assaults female and assault with a weapon and was remanded in custody for six days until the charges were withdrawn.

Huta admitted she made up the accusations out of revenge for her boyfriend breaking up with her, Register said.

Lawyer Craig Fletcher said Huta regretted the incident. She was under stress from the break-up, had lost her job and her grandmother had just died.

Diversion was declined by the police because of the nature of the charge, but the victim had forgiven her, Fletcher said.

The judge said the police were right to decline diversion. This type of offence could not be viewed leniently, the victim having been jailed because Huta lied. She was sentenced to 70 hours community work.