Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

False Allegations - Index

Cases - 2006

Newstalk ZB
December 13 2006; 19:24

Auckland abduction claim false

An Auckland woman who claimed she'd been abducted in Newmarket this morning, has now changed her story.

The 18-year-old told police that three north African men hit her over the head, and bundled her into a car just after 10am.

Police says the woman has since told them she was not taken by force.






December 13 2006

Teen admits she was not abducted
13 December 2006

An 18-year-old student who told police she was taken by three North African men in central Auckland this morning has admitted to police she was not abducted.

The teenager said she was hit over the head as she walked along Short St in the Newmarket shopping district at about 10.15am and bundled into a car by the three men.

She said she was driven across town to Mt Albert where she escaped and called police from a nearby dairy at 11.40am.

Auckland city crime squad inspector Gavin MacDonald said the teenager had told the police that she was not taken by force as originally stated.

"The police are not looking for anyone else in relation to this matter."

Officers spent the day conducting inquiries around the Short St area in the hope of locating witnesses or surveillance footage in an effort to identify her alleged abductors.






Radio NZ
December 13 2006; 20:16

Teenager withdraws abduction claims

Police say a teenager who claimed to have been abducted from Newmarket has revealed that she was not taken by force.

The 18-year-old student told police she was assaulted by three men in Short Street on Wednesday, bundled into a vehicle and driven to Phyllis Street Reserve in Mt Albert.

The police say they are now not looking for anyone else in relation to the incident.