Allegations of Sexual Abuse

False Allegations - NZ Cases 2006

Wellington Teacher Case: Index

NZ Herald
February 27 2006

Teacher accused of rape wants name withheld
by Danya Levy

A Wellington school teacher accused of raping a seven-year-old girl 10 years ago, today sought to keep his identity secret.

The 43-year-old man has been charged with three counts of raping the girl and one of assaulting her in 1996.

His lawyer, Paul Paino, today asked the High Court at Wellington to continue interim name suppression until after his trial, set down for June 19.

"The decision to lift name suppression should be made by the judge after trial."

The man wanted to defend the charges, he said. "His case is that he has been falsely accused."

He was currently employed but had no contact with children, Mr Paino said. "His future employment prospects would be severely compromised (even) if he was acquitted."

Crown lawyer Claire Boshier said police opposed the continued suppression of the man's identity.

The effect on his family and employment from the publication of his identity was relevant, she conceded, but was not extraordinary in such cases.

The public had the right to assess the risk he posed, both before and after the trial. "This (man) had a lot of contact with children."

Justice Alan Mackenzie reserved his decision.