Allegations of Sexual Abuse

False Allegations - NZ Cases 2006

Wellington Teacher
accused by 16 year old girl of rape when girl was seven -
Trial stopped by judge  "Accusation impossible"

Index of Reports

This page last updated Oct 26 2006

2006-0920 - NZ Herald - Primary school teacher accused of rape wins $30,000
by Stuart Dye -
Police investigating a rape claim against a primary school teacher were "haphazard", failed to take obvious lines of inquiry, made a premature arrest and were negligent, a judge has ruled      In a rare move, Judge Bruce Davidson told the jury he was withdrawing the case because of the implausibility of the complaint.  And yesterday he awarded the teacher $30,000 costs. The police did not gather all the relevant material, he said, and what they did have should have caused "significant alarm". "Put bluntly, the police may well have thought twice about continuing with the prosecution," Judge Davidson said.…….

2006-0919 - Dominion Post - $30,000 for teacher discharged on rape
A judge who says "significant resourcing problems" contributed to a haphazard police investigation of a teacher accused of rape, has awarded the teacher $30,000 towards his legal costs. In a judgment issued from Wellington District Court yesterday, Judge Bruce Davidson said police and the Justice Ministry should each pay the man $15,000. The award is $16,502 less than the cost of defending the teacher. The Dominion Post understands a professional organisation had paid the bill.

2006-0624 - One News - Male teachers unfairly targeted
The President of the Principals Federation says the weak case against a Wellington teacher accused of raping a former pupil highlights why men are reluctant to enter the profession. Federation president Pat Newman says he can not then understand why the case even went to trial. He says charges like this make teaching seem an unsafe career for men to enter. Newman says such cases make many male teachers anxious about what is going to "come out of the woodwork" at a later date.

2006-0624 - Dominion Post - Judge throws out teacher sex case
A judge has thrown out sex charges against a Wellington primary teacher, saying he had found it "implausible, then unlikely and then impossible" that offences had been committed…… Judge Davidson said that as the trial went on he had found it "implausible, then unlikely and then impossible" that the teacher could have committed the offences or that the jury could convict him. He said that by the end of the defence case it was clear it would be unsafe to let the jury deliberate and possibly convict. Judge Davidson said any guilty verdict would be a miscarriage of justice and no conviction could have been regarded as safe. The opportunity for the teacher to have committed the offences was so limited as to make it impossible.
2006-0623 - - Frivolous police prosecutions must stop
Judge Bruce Davidson should be congratulated for abruptly ending a trial before there was any chance for a miscarriage of justice.  A Wellington teacher had been unnecessarily put through the pain and suffering of sex abuse charges that should never have been brought. While sex abuse is a very serious crime and should be treated seriously, this is no excuse for the police to make charges frivolously

2006-0623 - One News - Teacher rape case thrown out
There were emotional scenes in Wellington District Court on Friday, after a Judge threw out the case of a teacher charged with rape. The 43-year-old man, whose name has been permanently suppressed, was facing five charges including two of raping a 7-year-old pupil 10 years ago. In a rare move, Judge Bruce Davidson told the jury he was withdrawing the case from their consideration, because it had become obvious to him that any guilty verdict would be wrong given all the evidence

2006-0623 - NZ Herald - Judge throws out teacher abuse case
NZPA - A judge has abruptly ended the trial of a teacher facing charges of sexually abusing a young girl. ….. the judge today withdrew the case from the jury. He said it was impossible for the jury to convict the man and if they had convicted it would have been wrong and a miscarriage of justice.

2006-0623 - National Radio: Checkpoint - Rape Case thrown out (Part 2)
Mary Wilson interviews Irene Cooper, President of NZEI -  Irene Cooper: "I think it's a pity that the case was taken to Court. I think if the case had been taken to the Teachers Council there could have been an investigation at a lower level that would have resulted in it not needing to go to court. It was a decision of the police, not a decision of the Teaching Union"

2006-0623 - National Radio: Checkpoint - Rape Case thrown out (Part 1)
Mary Wilson interviews Ann Marie May, Court Reporter -  Mary Wilson - A packed public gallery at the Wellington District Court erupted into clapping today when a judge threw out the case of a teacher charged with rape saying that the man was a victim of a young girls make believe. The 43 year old whose name has been permanently suppressed was facing five charges including two of raping a seven year old pupil ten years ago.  Our Court Reporter Ann-Marie May says the accused had a huge number of supporters with him

2006-0623 - Dominion Post - Principal 'not told' of girl's alleged abuse
A former primary school principal was never told of abuse allegations against one of her staff, a Wellington District Court jury has heard…….. The girl's mother said she told the then-principal of her daughter being kicked, but the woman told the jury: "I can't remember it at all. It would have been so unique it would have stayed in my mind." The defendant was a popular and loved teacher. She would have been horrified to hear if he ever physically hurt a child.

2006-0622 - Stuff - Teacher accused of raping student testifies
A teacher accused of raping a seven-year-old girl at a Wellington primary school took the stand in the Wellington District Court yesterday to deny the charges against him…… The teacher is also accused of molesting the girl in his home bathtub, shoving a couch on to her foot, and kicking and bruising her. "I've never kicked anyone, in the classroom or anywhere," he told jurors.

2006-0622 - Stuff - Rape accused teacher 'popular with students'
A former school principal told jurors yesterday that a teacher accused of raping a seven-year-old girl at school was a favourite with students and ran a happy classroom. "(He) was a popular and loved teacher," the longtime school principal, called as a defence witness, testified in Wellington District Court.

2006-0622 - Dominion Post - Teacher 'did not touch' rape accuser
A Wellington primary school teacher has told a jury he never touched a former student who claims he raped her…… The Crown has alleged the teacher raped the girl in a school corridor and a small office during a break, touched her at his home and kicked her and pushed a couch over her foot in 1996. He told Wellington District Court yesterday that there was no door to the little alcove or office in the classroom where his desk was. Personal photos produced by the man showed the small space with no door.

2006-0621 - Stuff - Mother testifies in school rape trial
A mother broke down in tears yesterday as she told how her seven-year-old daughter came home from school with bruises and bloody underpants, after allegedly being kicked and raped by her male teacher. …….His accuser, now 17, said she only began to remember and understand what had happened to her when she was in her early teens. A chance sighting of her former teacher at Te Papa Museum several years ago set off feelings of fear and helped her remember the trauma she had suffered as a child, she told told jurors on Monday.

2006-0621 - Dominion Post - Rape complaint 'not a false memory'
The mother of a teenager who says a teacher raped her when she was seven has denied they wrongly linked a series of memories to reach the view she was raped……. The mother said that when her daughter was 14 she was having trouble sleeping and talked to her mother about her memories. The woman said from that, and her own recall, she believed her daughter had been raped. The girl was so unhappy at the school that she shifted to another. The girl, now 17, said that, after having sex education, she was able to make sense of her memories of the teacher lying on top of her and hurting her.

2006-0620 - Dominion Post - Teacher raped me, says teen
A teenager has told a jury that she was raped by her primary school teacher when she was seven. The girl, who is now 17, said yesterday she was at the Wellington school 10 years ago. The man was a nice teacher for the first term but in the second term of 1996 he was aggressive. She said that during one school break he took her into the corridor that doubled as a cloakroom. He made her lie down then raped her. She said it hurt a lot and there was some blood. "I was very scared, confused. I didn't know what he was doing was wrong but I didn't like it."

2006-0619 - One News - Student details teacher's assault
On Monday the complainant, now a 17-year-old secondary school student, told the court details of sexual assaults allegedly committed on her when she was taught by the accused. She said the teacher isolated her from the rest of the class and on one occasion he took her out into a corridor and raped her. The girl also told the court that a second rape occurred some time later in a back room adjoining the classroom.

2006-0303 - Dominion Post - Name ban continues
A Wellington teacher accused of sex crimes against a seven-year-old pupil will remain anonymous at least till trial, a High Court judge has ruled……

2006-0301 - Stuff - Name suppression continues for teacher accused of rape
NZPA - The identity of a Wellington school teacher accused of raping a seven-year-old girl 10 years ago will remain secret until after his trial in June, the High Court has ruled. The 43-year-old man has been charged with two counts of raping the girl, one of unlawful sexual connection and one of assaulting her between January and July 1996.

2006-0228 - Dominion Post - Court battle to name teacher
Parents and the public are entitled to know the name of a Wellington teacher awaiting trial on sex charges, a Crown lawyer says. The teacher has appealed against a District Court judge's decision refusing to suppress his name. He was still working but not teaching or having contact with children's sports teams, his lawyer Paul Paino, told Justice Alan MacKenzie in the High Court at Wellington yesterday. However, Crown lawyer Claire Boshier said parents and the public were entitled to know who the man was, and to be able to assess the risk, before and after his trial. She said he had links in a number of ways to primary school-aged children.

2006-0227 - Stuff - Teacher accused of rape seeks to keep identity secret
by Danya Levy - A Wellington school teacher accused of raping a seven-year-old girl 10 years ago, today sought to keep his identity secret

2006-0227 - NZ Herald - Teacher accused of rape wants name withheld
by Danya Levy - A Wellington school teacher accused of raping a seven-year-old girl 10 years ago, today sought to keep his identity secret. The 43-year-old man has been charged with three counts of raping the girl and one of assaulting her in 1996. His lawyer, Paul Paino, today asked the High Court at Wellington to continue interim name suppression until after his trial, set down for June 19

2006-0208 - Dominion Post - Rape trial date set
A Wellington teacher accused of raping a young girl 10 years ago will stand trial on June 19. Details about the man, who is represented by Paul Paino, are suppressed. He faces three charges of rape and one of assault on a girl under the age of 12 in 1996

2005-1216 - Dominion Post - Sex trial for teacher
A Wellington schoolteacher has been committed for trial on four charges of assault and sexual violation of a seven-year-old girl nearly 10 years ago.

2005-0512 - One News - Teacher appears on rape charge
A Wellington teacher has appeared in court on a charge of raping a young girl nine years ago. The 42-year-old man faces three counts of sexually violating the seven-year-old and one of assault. He was working at the victim's school at the time the alleged offences occurred in 1996