Allegations of Sexual Abuse

False Allegations - NZ Cases 2006

Wellington Teacher Case: Index

The Dominion Post
June 20 2006

Teacher raped me, says teen

A teenager has told a jury that she was raped by her primary school teacher when she was seven.

The man, who is a 43-year-old teacher, has had his name suppressed along with the name of the school he used to work for. He has pleaded not guilty to two charges of sexual violation by rape, one of indecent assault and two of assault.

The girl, who is now 17, said yesterday she was at the Wellington school 10 years ago. The man was a nice teacher for the first term but in the second term of 1996 he was aggressive.

She said that during one school break he took her into the corridor that doubled as a cloakroom. He made her lie down then raped her. She said it hurt a lot and there was some blood. "I was very scared, confused. I didn't know what he was doing was wrong but I didn't like it."

The second time he raped her in a teacher's office in the classroom in the afternoon break.

She said he touched her genitals in a bath in his home when she went there to play with his daughter. He also kicked her, mainly on the shins, and once pushed a couch on her feet.

It was not till she was at secondary school and learnt about sex that she realised what he had done.

She said she believed if anyone had come into the corridor they would have seen him raping her. She told defence lawyer Paul Paino the corridor was used by pupils, teachers and members of the public.

A doctor said the girl's hymen showed a healed deep notch likely to be a penetrating injury, prosecutor Mark O'Donoghue said.

The trial is expected to take the week.