Allegations of Sexual Abuse

False Allegations - NZ Cases 2006

Wellington Teacher Case: Index

June 22 2006

Teacher accused of raping student testifies

A teacher accused of raping a seven-year-old girl at a Wellington primary school took the stand in the Wellington District Court yesterday to deny the charges against him.

The 43-year-old teacher, whose name has been suppressed, is charged with twice raping the girl in 1996, once in a school corridor and again in his classroom.

Both rapes allegedly occurred during the school day.

The teacher is also accused of molesting the girl in his home bathtub, shoving a couch on to her foot, and kicking and bruising her.

"I've never kicked anyone, in the classroom or anywhere," he told jurors.

Now 17, the alleged victim says she only fully remembered and understood in recent years what had happened to her as a child.

On Tuesday, her mother testified that she had found blood and what looked like semen in her daughter's underpants but assumed they were the result of an injury suffered when the girl fell while climbing a tree.

Crown prosecutor Mark O'Donoghue rested his case yesterday, after calling as his last witness a female police detective who had arrested the teacher and interviewed him.

In the video-taped police interview, played for jurors yesterday, the teacher appeared nervous and talkative but denied ever having hurt the girl.

He told the detective he did not understand why the girl would make such accusations.

He said she had not seemed to like him and had left his class part way through the school year because she was unhappy.

"Doing this is vindictive," he said.