Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

False Allegations - Index


Opinion and Comment - 2001


Otago Daily Times
October 5, 2001

Justice system
Letter to the Editor
by Ian Landreth, Port Chalmers  [Abridged. - Ed.]

I agree wholeheartedly with the view expressed by John Van Turnhout regarding our "justice system" (27.9.01). This year I have noted several cases where an alleged rapist has been cleared of any wrong-doing. However, in each of these your newspaper has named the accused before the verdict. This clearly goes against the principle of innocent until proven guilty.

I have no problem with the naming of people found guilty by our courts, but a large headline is bound to cause a great deal of distress to a person who is subsequently found innocent. Though your newspaper is quite within its rights to do this, I believe it is not fair, especially when a person making a false complaint gains full name suppression.