Allegations of Sexual Abuse

False Allegations - Index


Opinion and Comment - 2001

This page last updated Jan 6 2005

2001-1123 - The Independent - Many child abuse convictions unsafe (UK)
Dozens of men convicted of sexually assaulting children years after the alleged offences may be victims of miscarriages of justice, the country's most senior judge has warned.  Lord Woolf, the Lord Chief Justice, said child abuse allegations "were easy to make" and might be motivated by claims for compensation

2001-1017 - House of Lords - False Accusations of Child Abuse (UK)
Earl Howe rose to call attention to the damage caused to families by false accusations of child abuse; and to move for Papers. 

2001-1005 - Otago Daily Times - Justice system
by Ian Landreth -  This year I have noted several cases where an alleged rapist has been cleared of any wrong-doing. However, in each of these your newspaper has named the accused before the verdict. This clearly goes against the principle of innocent until proven guilty.