Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

False Allegations - Index


Opinion and Comment - 2004


The Dominion Post
January 22, 2004

Justice in rape trials
Letter to the Editor (Abridged)
by Peter Smith (Hastings)

At last you have exposed an issue of grave concern to me and many other men. False rape complaints cost us all millions of dollars a year and wasted police hours. False complainants make real victims less likely to be believed.

I was taken to the Auckland court in 1984 to defend a false rape allegation. No evidence was brought to substantiate the claim and at trial, the police doctor could not confirm or even prove that the complainant had sex with me on the evening in question.

I was found guilty and sentenced to 2 1/2 years in Paremoremo.

At the rate of 471 false complaints a year, where do those of us denied justice go?