Allegations of Sexual Abuse

False Allegations - Index   


Opinion and Comment - 2004

This page last updated Jan 6 2005

2004-0612 - Peter Ellis Org - Sexual abuse concerns
Letter by Richard Christie - The following is a critique of Donna Ellen's response to concerns about the manual for sex abuse allegations……..Unfortunately, intransigence in identifying and dealing with ill founded dogma ultimately serves to undermine public confidence in the agencies entrusted with the protection of our children. The Ellen/START response to our concerns typifies such intransigence. In the end it is the children who suffer

2004-0600 - St Albans Neighbourhood News - Manual for Sex Abuse Allegations
Letter To The Editor by Nancy Sutherland and Richard Christie - Your April issue covered the launch at St Albans Primary School of a manual that outlines procedures for use in the event that sexual abuse allegations are made. Interest in this manual is apparently being shown by social service groups, schools and pre-schools throughout New Zealand. The manual's content, however, gives us cause for concern, and we believe it should also concern anyone with an interest in the proper assessment of such allegations.

2004-0510 - Editorial Note
The two articles included from the Southland Times are important in that for the first time Rape Awareness Week is marked by intelligent discussion about the real problem of abuse, while at the same time acknowledging problems of false allegations. Both are real problems that deserve attention

2004-0510 - Southland Times - Helping rape survivors      
by Kirsty MacNicol - Rape Awareness Week has helped raise the awareness of the problem……….One of the most difficult aspects for police was false complaints, which were more frequent than people realised, he said. "You only have to have a couple of those incidents and it can make it difficult when you deal with a genuine person. You try to adopt a philosophy that you treat people as you would have them treat you ... you can't be judgmental at any phase."

2004-0510 - Southland Times - Rise in sexual assaults prompts police warning      
by Karen Potter - Police are urging young women in Invercargill to take better care of themselves and each other. The warning follows an increase in the number of reported sexual assaults in the city. ……….It was also important women who made a complaint to the police told the truth. Often women were scared their parents would find out they had been somewhere they were not allowed. ….Sometimes women who had not told the truth when making their complaint would come across as unreliable witnesses if their case went to trial.

2004-0419 - NZ Herald - Police attitudes to rape attacked      
by Martin Johnston - Of 164 rape files from 1997: Police indicated:
21 per cent        that they considered the complaints genuine.
38 per cent        that they were unsure
33 per cent        that they considered false.
8 per cent         were withdrawn by the complainants.

2004-0212 - Evening Standard - False accusations
Letter to the Editor by Alan Radford - In the anonymous letter False Accusations (February 3), the writer asserts that accusers and witnesses should be believed until they become discredited. She ….concedes false allegations must be 'upsetting' to those falsely accused, but she stops and thinks/feels no further. Her reasoning depends upon a rapid, highly reliable, honourable justice system. She also does not appear to begin to understand what damage false allegations can do to men and families. In truth, the effects can be so severe that it should be one of the most serious crimes.

2004-0207 - Dominion Post - The realities of being raped  
Letter to the Editor, Name withheld - A senior policeman told me recently that if a person makes a rape complaint to police and then withdraws the complaint because of emotional stress or fear of a court case, this is recorded in the statistics as a "false complaint". This might explain why so-called "false complaints" are on the rise.

2004-0203 - Evening Standard - False accusations  
Letter to the Editor, Name withheld - Regardless of the crime, when a crime is reported, the victim and witness statements should initially be believed. It is then the job of the police to find evidence that either supports or undermines this. It is important that victims are not revictimised or further traumatised by being disbelieved.

2004-0129 - Evening Standard - False complaints 
Letter to the Editor by Bevan Berg - You as an editor were a voice of social values, and a guardian of journalistic responsibility. Now you must be feeling somewhat empty having sold your soul to write "Tracking down the sexually violent" (editorial, January 23). Such an eloquent diatribe masks the conspiracy against your conscience -- your integrity ever hopeful that deception would be its saviour. Quietly at the end you whisper your betrayal of society, your condemnation of men: "The possibility of some complaints turning out to be false is surely a small price to pay for ensuring that the sexually violent among us are detected and put behind bars."

2004-0123 - Evening Standard - Tracking down the sexually violent
Editorial - But there are still many men for whom women are playthings and for whom the notion of consent seems to be a trifle. The possibility of some complaints turning out to be false is surely a small price to pay for ensuring that the sexually violent among us are detected and put behind bars.

2004-0123 - Dominion Post - A rape victim's view
Letter to Editor, Name Withheld - Highlighting false complaints make it even more difficult for genuine cases to come forward and increases the distress felt by those dealing with the devastating effects of rape

2004-0122 - Dominion Post - Misandry the cause?
by Jonathon Harper - I found Victoria University criminologist Jan Jordan's article about false accusations of rape to be, in part, emotive, biased and rhetorical (Features, Jan 15). ……..I expect a more sober, impartial, balanced and evidence-based analysis from a senior university lecturer.

2004-0122 - Dominion Post - Maths do not add up
Loretta Kemsley from California presents an interesting interpretation of statistics. She foolishly compounds her error by suggesting the police "do their arithmetic".  The saying "Fools jump in where angels fear to tread", comes to mind.

2004-0122 - Dominion Post - Justice in rape trials
by Peter Smith - At last you have exposed an issue of grave concern to me and many other men. ….I was taken to the Auckland court in 1984 to defend a false rape allegation. No evidence was brought to substantiate the claim …..I was found guilty and sentenced to 2 1/2 years in Paremoremo. At the rate of 471 false complaints a year, where do those of us denied justice go?

2004-0119 - Evening Standard - Rape victim slates police criticism of false complaints
by Anna Wallis - A Palmerston North rape victim has labelled police criticism of false rape complaints as unjust, when fake theft and fire insurance claims are more deserving of publicity.

2004-0119 - Evening Standard - False complaints
Letter to the Editor by Darryl Ward - Your story about the police being sick of receiving fictitious rape complaints comes as no surprise (January 14). False allegations of sexual (and other) abuse are at a pandemic level, and are made up for many reasons, such as for making ACC claims, destroying a person's credibility in Family Court hearings and sometimes just attention seeking. They are horrific crimes against humanity and against the persons falsely accused

2004-0117 - Evening Standard - False complaints  
Letter to the Editor by Lionel A Richards - I applaud your courage and that of the Manawatu Standard in publishing the story, Police Sick of False Sex Complaints, which illuminates a seedier part of the truth about false allegations and politically correct gender stereotypes (January 14).

2004-0116 - Evening Standard - False complaints 
Letter to the Editor by Bevan Berg - The suggestion by police that they are going to get tough on false sexual allegations is not good enough. They should in the past have had no hesitation in prosecuting any women making such allegations.

2004-0114 - Evening Standard - Police sick of false sex complaints
Police are vowing to get tough with women who get drunk on the weekend and then turn up at the station saying they have been sexually assaulted. Detective Sergeant Dave Clifford said the problem of false complaints -- particularly of sexual assault -- have become so frequent that police will start prosecuting people who try to use a fictitious assault as a reason for coming home late

2004-0113 - Dominion Post - False rape complaints cost millions
by Haydon Dewes -

·           Police charged 471 people with making a false statement in the year to June 30, 2003.

·           Since June, 1998, police have noticed an overall rise in false statements made, with an average of 444 per year. There are no records to show what they refer to, but police say the majority of false complaints related to sex offences.

·           Police in Palmerston North are dealing with at least one false rape or sexual assault complaint every week.

·           Police in Wellington dealt with a spate of about 12 false sexual assault complaints in the space of a month late last year

·           "It's out of control and it's frustrating as hell."

·           A rise in false rape complaints is soaking up police resources and costing taxpayers millions of dollars each year. Police would continue to treat every complaint as genuine, but most had become more cynical in their approach