Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

False Allegations - Index


Opinion and Comment - 2004


The Dominion Post
January 23, 2004

A rape victim's view
Letter to the Editor
Name Withheld, Palmerston North

I was pleased to see your article, Trouble lurks behind `false' rape complaints by Jan Jordan (Features, Jan 15). As a rape victim, it helped to some extent to ease the distress I felt reading, False rape complaints cost million (Jan 13).

Other points need considering.

Other crimes have much higher false reporting rates. Theft and fires are often insurance scams, and over-claiming for items stolen after genuine theft is common. Where are the headlines about this?

Though it is difficult for a genuine rape victim to report the crime, the whole point of the false claim is to report it. This means that all false rape claims come to the attention of police but they are notified of only a few of the genuine cases.

Withdrawal of a rape complaint does not indicate that the original claim is false -- it is difficult to go through with a rape complaint. Nor does failure to prove the charge indicate a false claim -- rape is very difficult to prove. How many so-called "false" complaints have been proven false?

Highlighting false complaints make it even more difficult for genuine cases to come forward and increases the distress felt by those dealing with the devastating effects of rape.

Highlighting a particular false rape complaint rewards a person already seeking attention.

Police must treat every reported crime sensitively and investigate regardless of their personal feelings and previous experience.