Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

False Allegations - Index


Opinion and Comment - 2004


The Evening Standard
January 29, 2004

False complaints
Letter to the Editor
by Bevan Berg,
Mt Wellington

You as an editor were a voice of social values, and a guardian of journalistic responsibility.

Now you must be feeling somewhat empty having sold your soul to write "Tracking down the sexually violent" (editorial, January 23).

Such an eloquent diatribe masks the conspiracy against your conscience -- your integrity ever hopeful that deception would be its saviour. Quietly at the end you whisper your betrayal of society, your condemnation of men: "The possibility of some complaints turning out to be false is surely a small price to pay for ensuring that the sexually violent among us are detected and put behind bars."

If irony has its way, your shame is yet to haunt you. Cry from behind the bars, "I thought I was innocent until proven guilty."

You have traded the standards of personal responsibility and moral accountability for the human inevitability of corruption and apathy.

The assumption that the protection of every last possible victim allows you the incontestable occupation of the moral high ground is an ignorant belief that offers nothing more than certain disaster.

You have made your choice and I have made mine. They are two views that could never be further apart, but my mind is free and yours is not.