Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

False Allegations - Index


Opinion and Comment - 2004


The Evening Standard
February 12, 2004

False accusations
Letter to the Editor
by Alan Radford, Palmerston North

In the anonymous letter False Accusations (February 1), the writer asserts that accusers and witnesses should be believed until they become discredited.

She (I assume the writer is a woman) concedes false allegations must be 'upsetting' to those falsely accused, but she stops and thinks/feels no further.

Her reasoning depends upon a rapid, highly reliable, honourable justice system. She also does not appear to begin to understand what damage false allegations can do to men and families.

In truth, the effects can be so severe that it should be one of the most serious crimes.

False accusers need to face sentences like 15 years in prison without parole for this kind of malice. Sadly, too many women are not mature enough to take responsibility for what they choose to be and do.

Why is it women demand safety, consideration and treatment which they would deny to their sons? Every one of us was born, primarily educated, and parented by women, only to find ourselves treated as the enemy when we grow up. Perhaps women lay the seeds of what they themselves reap?

I cannot imagine women tolerating (even momentarily) the injustices they dish up against men, were the places swapped.

Her contention that all accusers and witnesses 'be believed' from the outset, necessarily requires the accused to be disbelieved. This sets up a bias from the start -- women would complain bitterly about if it was against them. Sadly it's not.

In one case, police were called by a father due to a mum's abuse of her daughter.

They asked the dad what he was doing to make the mum hit the kids! Even when clearly the woman did it, and the evidence showed that, they looked to place the blame on the dad. That story also reveals much about our law enforcers' impartiality.

Reading letters such as hers, I am now utterly convinced that most women are too selfish, greedy, self-absorbed to relate to the burden others on the planet endure. Indeed, women seem not to live up to their own press.

Come on, girls, we all hear your incessant screams for rights and privileges. Let's see you take your responsibilities, too.