Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

False Allegations - Index

Opinion and Comment - 2005

One News
August 8 2005

False rape complaints tie up resources

Police say two false complaints from women aged 18 and 19 in Hamilton over the weekend used significant resources as they tried to find the alleged offenders.

The investigators say they believe three or four out of every five rape complaints are false.

Detective Sergeant Nigel Keall says they will charge the women if the reason behind the complaints is found to be malicious. He says false rape complaints divert valuable resources from other serious inquiries.

But organisations which help rape victims say the claim by senior police investigators about the honesty of rape complainants is simply untrue.

Jane McDonald from Doctors for Sexual Abuse Care estimates that only one in 20 women they examine have made false complaints.

And the manager of the Wellington Sexual Abuse Help Foundation, Helen Sullivan, says they deal with a very small number of false complaints. She says it's possible that women who withdraw their complaints for various reasons may be included in the senior investigators' claim.

Police National Headquarters says figures on false rape complaints aren't recorded unless the person is prosecuted.