Allegations of Sexual Abuse

False Allegations - Index

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This page last updated Oct 30 2006

2005-0929 - NZ Herald - Spate of false sex complaints
Last year, 290 people nationwide were charged with making a false complaint, wasting almost 3000 hours of police time and costing more than $230,000.

2005-0904 - Sunday Star Times - Cabbies warned over false rape claims
The taxi industry wants drivers to install tape recorders or cameras in their cars to protect themselves after a spate of false rape allegations. Drivers concede that assaults by cabbies do happen, but say many more false allegations are made or threatened against drivers every day.

2005-0817 - Newstalk ZB - False rape complaints affect taxi industry
The Taxi Federation believes false rape complaints against drivers are affecting the credibility of the industry. Police have charged a 23-year-old woman with making a false statement after she claimed she was attacked in the back of a Wellington tax near Johnsonville 12 days ago. Taxi Federation executive director Tim Reddish says it is a concern to all drivers.

2005-0808 - kiwiblog - False Rape Complaints
by David Farrar -
Such false complaints are a lose-lose for all concerned.

·                They discourage actual rape victims from complaining, because of the climate of suspicion that the false complaints generate

·                They can destroy a guy's life, even if later found to be false

·                They can destroy the girl's life if it is widely known she made a false complaint

·                They tie up a huge amount of police time better spent on actual crimes

2005-0808 - One News - False rape complaints tie up resources
2005-0808 - NZ Herald - False rape complaints annoy police
Senior investigators estimate that between 60 and 80 per cent of rape complaints made by women are false. Mr Keall said false complaints tainted the community's perception of sexual offending and the genuine victims who needed support. He said there was also a difference between people making complaints of stranger rapes and making allegations against a specific person, which could sometimes be malicious.

2005-0706 - The Press - Falsely accused
by Paula Weir -
Twice in less than a month two young men have been acquitted of charges of rape that were laid maliciously. One was a 31 year old with two small children from Dunedin, the other an 18-year-old from Rotorua. These cases barely gained a mention in the media, a stark contrast to if they had been found guilty.

2005-0514 - NZ Herald - Police chase woman for false rape complaint costs
Police are seeking nearly $5000 from a woman they claim wasted their time over a false rape complaint. ……..Detective Senior Sergeant Richard Middleton, of the Manukau Crime Squad, said that of 75 sexual complaints in his area since Christmas, about 10 were believed fake. ………Mr Middleton said detectives sometimes interviewed women who spun a web of lies to "cover up indiscretions" or simply to seek publicity.  He said police took complaints of this "abhorrent crime" very seriously, but false complaints were "not acceptable".

2005-0311 - NZ Herald - This cop's life on the line
by Sandra Paterson -
I met a police officer this week whose life has been devastated. Until recently he was working in the Auckland gang scene……These days he stays at home most of the time - after being accused of something he did not do and stood down indefinitely. …….And if we're going to talk about police culture, about bad cops who do bad things, we should also talk about good cops, especially good cops who are falsely accused and who find themselves with little or no support from their senior officers.

2005-0228 - The Press - Police to take a tougher line over false complaints
by Anna Claridge -
Police are taking a stand against people who make false complaints, after a spate of fictitious accusations which wasted thousands of hours of police time. Figures released to The Press show 290 people were charged with making false complaints in the year ended June 2004, wasting almost 3000 hours of police time and costing more than $230,000 to investigate……. Since June 1998, police have noticed an overall rise in false statements made, with an average of 444 each year, not all of which result in charges.

2005-0220 - National Catholic Register (USA) - The true cost of false witness
by Jennifer Roback Morse - It is the "nuclear option" in divorce and custody cases. It is the nightmare scenario for foster parents. It can be the end of a teaching or child-care career. What is it? It is a false allegation of child abuse. This is not only a particularly vicious form of fraud; it is one of the few lies that the legal system makes no effort to punish. There is, for all practical purposes, no penalty for making a false accusation of child abuse

2005-0200 - Department of Corrections - Operations Manual (extract)

Excellent guidelines that should form the backbone of Operations Manuals for all Government Departments and Child Abuse Investigators

"Staff must be impartial" - Staff dealing with complaints must be utterly impartial, and may give no indication that they believe the word of the either complainant or the alleged harasser. Both parties are “Innocent unless proven guilty”

2005-0200 - Auckland District Health Board - Guidelines - Sexual Abuse
If the patient decides not to pursue the complaint don't over-persuade. There may be very personal / practical reasons for this reluctance, and they may not want to tell even you of these. The majority of so-called "false complaints" appears to be when someone other than the victim reports the rape / assault to the police.