Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

St John of God - Marylands - Index

2005 Index


One News
February 14 2005

Clergymen to be extradited to NZ

A Sydney magistrate has decided that two out of three Catholic clergymen facing historic sex abuse charges will be brought before a New Zealand court.

St John of God priests Raymond Garchow and Brother Rodger Maloney will be extradited from New South Wales. However an order to extradite Brother William Lebler has not been granted. New Zealand police say they will decide whether to appeal the outcome after viewing the full findings of the magistrate. 

Sixty four charges have been laid against the men dating back as far as 1955.

The allegations relate to when the trio worked at Marylands a school for boys with learning and intellectual disabilities in Christchurch. At the extradition hearing in January last year a lawyer for the men said all were very unwell and Garchow was terminally ill with throat cancer.