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This page last updated March 15 2006

2005-0926 - Newstalk ZB - Trial date set in school sex abuse case
New March 15 2006
A trial date has been set for one of the accused in the St John of God sex abuse case in Christchurch. Fifty-eight-year-old Bernard Kevin McGrath is accused of offending against pupils at the Marylands School during the 1970s. He first appeared in court on indecency charges in May of 2003

2005-0825 - The Press - Still Innocent
by Lynley Hood - In law, the former staff of Marylands residential school accused by Tim Beswick and others of serious criminal offences (August 20) are innocent until proven guilty. Therefore, in the interests of fairness and accuracy, these accusers should not have been described by your paper as "victims", but as "alleged victims", "complainants" or "claimants".

2005-0820 - The Press - Funds tap closes for sex-abuse victims
by Louise Bleakley - The Catholic order at the centre of sex-abuse scandal is closing the funding tap for five New Zealand victims and told them "fair's fair". In 2003, St
John of God paid $4 million compensation to 56 complainants claiming they were sexually abused as boys at its former Marylands residential school in Christchurch. Three weeks ago the order sent letters to five victims, telling them they could not expect the order to continue paying their medical or counselling costs indefinitely. Their funding, which began in late 2002, would be stopped on September 30

Tim Beswick

2005-0804 - The Press - Priests lose appeal
Former St John of God brothers fighting prosecution for child-sex abuse have lost their Supreme Court bid to have the charges thrown out. ……… McGrath's lawyer, Nigel Hampton, QC,said his client's appeal process was not finished. He said he had recently lodged an appeal with the Court of Appeal requesting McGrath have a separate trial for each of the dozen or more complainants. The other accused, whose Supreme Court appeal was dismissed, is also a teacher at the Marylands School. He faces a number of sex charges relating to young boys. His name was suppressed until after any trial.

2005-0804 - NZ Herald - Catholic brothers lose bid
Former St John of God brothers fighting prosecution for child sex abuse have lost their Supreme Court bid to have charges thrown out. Bernard Kevin McGrath and another former Catholic priest with name suppression had appealed to the Supreme Court to overturn charges, alleging the evidence against them was too old to allow them a fair trial, a court judgment said

2005-0413 - Online Catholics - $1m to avoid justice
St John of God has reportedly paid out $1m in legal fees to stop alleged sexual abusers going to trial in New Zealand. An advocate for victims of sexual abuse says that the St John of God Brothers should immediately stop paying the legal costs of two brothers who are seeking to avoid facing court for crimes allegedly committed in New Zealand.

2005-0412 - Otago Daily Times - Sex assault clergymen fight extradition to NZ
Differences in the Australian and New Zealand justice systems could prevent two Catholic clergymen from receiving a fair trial, their lawyer said in a Sydney court yesterday.  The pair, a brother (70) and a priest (59), were ordered to be extradited to New Zealand by a magistrate in February. But they have fought the order, applying for a rehearing in the Federal Court, which started yesterday.

Defence counsel Paul Byrne told Justice Rodney Madgwick that in New Zealand an accused person could face several complainants in the one trial, while that was not usually possible in New South Wales.

It had also been proposed that the brother might have to face a joint trial with a former brother, as it had been alleged both were present at one sexual incident. This would not be allowed in Australia and raised issues of collusion and concoction in the evidence, he said.

2005-0412 - Sydney Morning Herald - Clergy won't get fair trial: barrister
by Natasha Wallace - Two former Sydney-based members of St John of God should not be extradited to New Zealand to face serious child sex abuse charges because they would not get a fair trial, their barrister told a court yesterday.  In ordering the men's extradition in February, Magistrate Hugh Dillon likened the New Zealand case to a "war crimes' proceeding", saying the doubt lay not in proving the abuse had happened at the Marylands school, but who was involved and to what extent.

2005-0412 - NZ Herald - Monks fight extradition
Differences in the Australian and New Zealand justice systems could prevent two Catholic clergymen from receiving a fair trial, their lawyer said in a Sydney court yesterday……. Defence counsel Paul Byrne told Justice Rodney Madgwick that in New Zealand an accused person could face several complainants in the one trial, but that was not usually possible in New South Wales

2005-0411 - One News - Clergymen fighting extradition to NZ
Two Catholic clergymen are fighting their extradition from Sydney to New Zealand to face child sex charges. Brother Rodger Maloney, 69, and Father Raymond John Garchow, 59, face a total of 32 sexual assault charges against former students at a school for boys with intellectual and learning disabilities.The two members of the St John of God Catholic Order, who worked for the Marylands School in Christchurch, are accused of assaulting boys in their care between 1966 and 1980

2005-0411 - Sunday Telegraph - Clergymen fight NZ extradition
By Kim Arlington - Two Catholic clergymen facing child sex charges might not receive a fair trial if they were extradited to New Zealand, a Sydney court was told today. Mr Byrne expressed concerns about "the extent to which these allegations have been publicised in New Zealand, and the atmosphere in which these men would likely be tried". He said there had been "an orchestrated campaign" encouraging people to come forward with complaints of sexual abuse, raising questions about whether individual allegations may have been contaminated

2005-0411 - The Age - Clergymen fight extradition to NZ
AAP - Two Catholic clergymen are fighting their extradition from Sydney to New Zealand to face child sex charges.  Counsel for the pair, Paul Byrne SC, opposed the order on the grounds that the allegations might not have been made in good faith, and at least 25 years had passed since the alleged offences occurred

2005-0218 - One News - Alleged sex offender collapses
A Sydney religious brother awaiting extradition to New Zealand on child sex charges collapsed in jail shortly before a bail application in his case. It's understood Maloney suffered a suspected heart attack.  Granting bail, Justice Madgwick said keeping the pair in custody would worsen their mental problems.

2005-0215 - The Age - Church to fight extradition
New March 15 2006
by Natasha Wallace - The Catholic Church will challenge the extradition of a former priest and a brother to New Zealand in a sex abuse case that a magistrate has likened to "war crimes proceedings". The magistrate, Hugh Dillon, used this analogy yesterday, saying the doubt lay not in proving the abuse, but who was involved and to what extent.

2005-0215 - ABC News - Bail hearing for Catholic clerics adjourned
A Federal Court bail hearing for two Catholic clerics who are facing extradition to New Zealand on child sex charges has been adjourned until later this week. The men are planning to appeal against the decision in the Federal Court but a bail hearing scheduled for today has been adjourned until Friday.

2005-0215 - Yahoo - Bail hearing for Catholic clerics adjourned
A Federal Court bail hearing for two Catholic clerics who are facing extradition to New Zealand on child sex charges has been adjourned until later this week.

2005-0215 - Religious News Online - Two Australian clergymen to be extradited
A magistrate in Sydney has ruled two of three Roman Catholic clergymen facing sex abuse charges will be extradited to New Zealand. The Rev. Raymond Garchow and Brother Rodger Maloney of St. John of God Church, were ordered to leave New South Wales to appear in a New Zealand court, TV News Zealand reported. An order to extradite Brother William Lebler was rejected

2005-0215 - Catholic News - St John of God priest and brother to be extradited
An Australian priest and religious brother will be extradited to New Zealand to face child sex charges dating back 50 years. The Sydney Morning Herald reports that Fr Raymond John Garchow, 57, and Br Rodger Maloney, 70, both worked at the Marylands School in Christchurch

2005-0215 - One News - Clergymen to appeal extradition
Two members of the Saint John of God order, wanted in New Zealand to face historic sex abuse allegations, are appealing in Australia against an extradition order.

2005-0215 - The Press - Clergymen told to face charges in NZ
by Yvonne Martin - Two St John of God clergymen have been ordered to return to New Zealand to face historic child abuse charges but a third has escaped extradition. A Sydney court has ordered Father Raymond Garchow, 57, and Brother Rodger Maloney, 69, to be extradited over allegations from when they worked at Marylands, a former residential school in Christchurch. However, lawyers for the two men are applying for a review of the decision, meaning the duo will not be leaving Australia in the near future. A third man, Brother William Lebler, 83, will not be extradited, because of his health.

2005-0215 - NZ Herald - Priest and brother to be extradited to NZ
A Sydney court has ordered a St John of God priest and brother to be extradited to New Zealand to face child-abuse charges.

2005-0215 - Newstalk ZB - Complainants happy about extradition
The complainants in a sexual abuse case spanning half a century are pleased the accused are being extradited back to New Zealand…….. Ken Clearwater from Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse says that is good news

2005-0214 - One News - Clergymen to be extradited to NZ
A Sydney magistrate has decided that two out of three Catholic clergymen facing historic sex abuse charges will be brought before a New Zealand court.   
Sixty four charges have been laid against the men dating back as far as 1955.

2005-0214 - Newstalk ZB - Clergymen extradited to NZ
A Sydney magistrate has ordered two Catholic clergymen back to New Zealand over allegations they abused their former students. Raymond Garchow and Rodger Moloney are accused of indecently assaulting former students at Christchurch's Marylands school for boys with learning and intellectual disabilities. The pair, aged 57 and 69 respectively, have appeared in court in Sydney where New Zealand authorities have successfully sought to have them extradited. But a third man, 83-year-old Catholic Brother William Lebler has convinced the court to allow him to stay in Australia on health grounds

2005-0203 - The Press - Church admits betrayal
by Yvonne Martin - A woman's claim against fallen priest Jim Consedine has been accepted by the Catholic Church, eight years after she complained. Bonnie Quilter, a persistent critic of the church's complaint-handling process, has received $6000 and a written apology. The settlement states that Bishop John Cunneen and the church's protocol committee believed Quilter's complaints about Consedine's behaviour were true