Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

St John of God - Marylands - Index

2005 Index


The Age
February 15 2005

Church to fight extradition
By Natasha Wallace

The Catholic Church will challenge the extradition of a former priest and a brother to New Zealand in a sex abuse case that a magistrate has likened to "war crimes proceedings".

The magistrate, Hugh Dillon, used this analogy yesterday, saying the doubt lay not in proving the abuse, but who was involved and to what extent.

He ordered that two former Sydney St John of God members, Raymond John Garchow, 57, a former priest, and Rodger Maloney, 69, a former brother, be extradited to New Zealand to face child sex charges.

William John Lebler, 83, a retired brother, who faced 32 charges, including buggery and sodomy on boys aged eight to 13, was released because of his age and ill health.

The charges relate to alleged assaults by members of the order between 1955 and 1980 at Marylands, a former Christchurch school for orphans and intellectually disabled children.

The church, which had fought extradition of the three Sydney men vigorously, yesterday lodged an application in the Federal Court for a review.

Maloney faces 28 charges, including sodomy and committing an indecent act, for allegedly assaulting 12 boys as young as eight between 1971 and 1977. He is also accused of abusing a boy with another brother for three years.

Garchow faces four charges of an indecent act on two pupils, aged between eight and 11, from 1971 to 1980.

Both men, in custody pending a bail application today, were suspended from their order when charged in December 2003, but their expenses are being paid by the church.

Mr Dillon said: "The (men) are accused of terrible abuse of very vulnerable children committed to their care. The alleged breaches of trust... are almost as bad as could be imagined."

During the nine-day extradition hearing the men's defence team said some people had been prosecuted for fraudulent claims after a hotline was published. It also said the allegations arose soon after publicity of the order's multi-million-dollar compensation payout to Australian victims.

But Mr Dillon said: "Unless this is one of the biggest cases of mass hysteria or conspiracy ever to surface in the Antipodes, it is reasonable to assume that this volume of complaints could not have been generated without cause."

The New Zealand High Court was awaiting the outcome before setting a trial date for two other brothers formerly at Marylands.