Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

St John of God - Marylands - Index

2005 Index


The Press
February 15 2005

Clergymen told to face charges in NZ
by Yvonne Martin

Two St John of God clergymen have been ordered to return to New Zealand to face historic child abuse charges but a third has escaped extradition.

A Sydney court has ordered Father Raymond Garchow, 57, and Brother Rodger Maloney, 69, to be extradited over allegations from when they worked at Marylands, a former residential school in Christchurch.

However, lawyers for the two men are applying for a review of the decision, meaning the duo will not be leaving Australia in the near future.

A third man, Brother William Lebler, 83, will not be extradited, because of his health.

Magistrate Hugh Dillon said Lebler was suffering from cerebral atrophy and it would be unjust to order his surrender to New Zealand.

Lebler, also known as Thaddeus, is facing 32 charges, dating back to Marylands' formation in 1955. He was prior at the school for boys with learning and intellectual disabilities from 1962 to 1965. Marylands closed in 1984.

New Zealand authorities have been trying to extradite the trio from Sydney to Christchurch to face a total of 64 sexual abuse charges.

The three men were arrested by Australian federal police in December 2003 after the Christchurch District Court issued an extradition warrant.

Inquiry head Detective Sergeant Earle Borrell said a decision on whether police would appeal the outcome would be made following consultation with the crown solicitor and Office of the Commissioner.



Allegations of Abuse

in churches & institutions

News Reports - 2005