Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

St John of God - Marylands - Index

2005 Index


One News
February 18 2005

Alleged sex offender collapses

A Sydney religious brother awaiting extradition to New Zealand on child sex charges collapsed in jail shortly before a bail application in his case.

Brother Rodger Maloney, 69, and Catholic priest Fr Raymond John Garchow, 59, face a total of 32 sex assault charges against former students at a school for boys with intellectual and learning disabilities.

The two members of the St John of God Catholic Order, who worked for the Marylands School in Christchurch, are accused of sodomising and indecently assaulting boys as young as eight between 1966 and 1979.

The Downing Centre Local Court ordered the pair be handed over to NZ authorities.

Maloney and Garchow, who have had prostate and throat cancer respectively and have reportedly suffered severe depression since their arrests in 2003, are appealing the order.

They have applied for bail in the Federal Court on health grounds.

Justice Rodney Madgwick granted the pair conditional bail.

But Maloney's solicitor Greg Walsh told the court his client had collapsed at Sydney's Silverwater jail as he prepared to leave for the bail hearing.

His condition was not immediately clear, Walsh said.

"We are attempting to contact the hospital...there has been no response at this stage," he told the court.

It's understood Maloney suffered a suspected heart attack.

Granting bail, Justice Madgwick said keeping the pair in custody would worsen their mental problems.

"It is clear that they are both men in poor health and incarceration will aggravate their problems of mental health," he said.

The men were both of "outstanding character" aside from the allegations and posed no flight risk, Madgwick said.

The extradition hearing will continue on April 11 with a directions hearing on legal matters to be held on March 21 before Madgwick.