Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

St John of God - Marylands - Index

2006/2 - Moloney & Garchow; Federal Court Appeal


One News
April 24 2006

Extradition decision may be appealed

Police and Crown prosecutors will decide in the next few days whether to appeal against an Australian court decision to block the extradition of two Catholic clergymen who face child sex charges in New Zealand.

Two former St John of God brothers face more than 30 charges of abusing boys at the Marylands Special School in Christchurch during the 1970's and 1980s.

Their extradition to New Zealand was ordered by a Local Court magistrate in Sydney last year, but the Federal Court was asked to review that decision.

A Federal Court judge in Sydney ruled on Friday that the differences in the New Zealand and Australian legal systems and the length of time since the alleged crimes, would make it difficult for the men to receive a fair trial.

Justice Rodney Madgwick ruled the men would not get a fair trial because the allegations are more than 20-years-old and the legal systems of the two countries differ on how to deal with historical cases.

In Australia, the defendants would be guaranteed that a trial judge would strongly warn the jury about the difficulty of proving old allegations. In New Zealand there is no such guarantee and any warning is at the judge's discretion.