Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

St John of God - Marylands - Index

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This page last updated October 23 2006

June 2 2006   Barristers criticise Denise Arnold, Scott Optican
Christchurch barristers Gerald Lascelles and Kerry Cook write: "Had they considered the Peter Ellis case, Denise Arnold and Scott Optican might have been more circumspect in their comments on Justice Madgwick's decision".....This is an area where fraudsters, blackmailers and, sometimes, downright cranks flourish. They have been encouraged by the politically correct, by the timorousness of political leadership and by those to whom the righting of wrongs is secondary to their personal agendas

2006-0602 - NZ Lawyer - Sex cases

    Gerald Lascelles                      Scott Optican

May 18 2006   Australian Courts grant NZ leave to appeal extradition decision
New Zealand authorities have Australian court clearance to appeal a decision last month that overturned an extradition order against two Catholic clergymen facing historical sex abuse charges. Justice Rodney Madgwick had overturned the extradition order granted last year because he said Brother Rodger Moloney, 71, and Father Raymond Garchow, 58, would not get a fair trial.

2006-0519 - NZ Herald - Extradition appeal allowed over priests
2006-0518 - The Press - NZ allowed appeal to extradite clergy

May 8 2006   NZ files appeal against Australian decision not to allow extradition
An appeal has been filed against an Australian court decision that two Catholic clergymen would not have to return to New Zealand to face child sex charges..... Following approval from New Zealand's Solicitor-General and the Director of Prosecutions in Sydney, an appeal against that decision has been lodged. The Dominion Post has an editorial discussing and commending the decision.

2006-0508 - One News - Appeal against extradition decision
2006-0508 - Dominion Post - Law and the Church Order

May 5 2006 - NZ Lawyer article argues Australian criticism of NZ sex cases justified
Andrea Milner comments that while Madwick's decision "has sparked outcry from defenders of local criminal law and procedure, other commentators have concluded that the decision is sadly justified.". Examples of the outcry are Denise Arnold's (Ecpat) statement that NZ will become "a haven for paedophiles". However Milner agrees with Judith Ablett Kerr QC that "alarm bells should be ringing" including. : "Delays; the loss of potential witnesses and documents, had resulted in serious presumptive, and actual, prejudice to the accused; unfairness associated with representative charging, multiple-count charging, similar fact evidence, “dubious investigative and interviewing processes”, and “the dangers associated with mass allegation cases, including concoction or unconscious contamination of complainant testimony.”  Madgwick referred to the possibility of joint trials that would  likely be regarded as unjust in Australia and not occur.....

2006-0505 - NZ Lawyer - Australian criticism of NZ sex cases ‘justified’

May 4 2006   NZ decides to lodge appeal against Australian extradition decision
New Zealand authorities have decided to pursue the extradition of two Catholic clergymen facing historic sexual-abuse charges. An appeal is about to be lodged against an Australian Federal Court decision overturning an extradition order for the two St John of God Order members, Brother Rodger Moloney, 71, and Father Raymond Garchow, 58.

Federal Court judge in Sydney, Justice Rodney Madgwick, released a decision last month to overturn an extradition order, on the grounds that the men would not get a fair trial in New Zealand. He said that the pair would face an "unjust or oppressive" hearing because of the age of the charges and the fact New Zealand judges were not required to point out the difficulty of such cases to jurors, as they were in Australia

Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse Trust manager Ken Clearwater was pleased authorities were pursuing the pair's extradition. "The guys will be rapt to know there is going to be an appeal."

2006-0505 - NZ Herald - New bid to have pair extradited
2006-0504 - Radio NZ - NZ to appeal decision not to allow extradition
2006-0504 - The Press - NZ to appeal clergy ruling
2006-0504 - One News - NZ to appeal extradition denial

April -May 2006 - Letters to the Editor, commending Madgwick decision
Martin Bond calls his comments "timely" and makes reference to the "flagrant miscarriages of justice perpetrated and perpetuated in the Peter Ellis case". He says the views of Madwick are vitally important.  Graeme Sutherland congratulates Madgwick and referes to anti-male bias in courts. Peter Burns calls Madgwicks decision a "stunning rebuke". Paula Weir has "grave concerns" the accused will receive fair trial. Gordon Waugh says that judge has "described our sex trials to a T"

2006-0501 - Dominion Post - Judge's views are vital
2006-0501 - Dominion Post - This isn't pre- war Germany
2006-0426 - The Press - Stunning rebuke
2006-0426 - NZ Herald - Historical rape allegations
2006-0426 - NZ Herald - Historical rape allegations

April -May 2006 - Letters to the Editor, criticising Madgwick decision
Grant Shanks calls Madwick's comments bizarre, and makes cynical suggestion;  Richie Poole says Madgwick's criticism repugnant, and that no Australian should have the gall to criticise our legal process

2006-0426 - The Press - Bizarre comments
2006-0426 - NZ Herald - Historical rape allegations 

April 2006 - Plea from "survivor" groups for extradition
Ken Clearwater, manager of the Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse Trust, which has supported many of the alleged victims, has contacted the Prime Minister to ask the Government to get involved after Raymond Garchow and Rodger Moloney had their extradition order overturned by an Australian Federal Court judge last week

2006-0429 - The Press - Alleged abuse victims join extradition call
2006-0427 - NZ Herald - Plea to Clark on extradition
2006-0427 - The Press - Plea to PM on clergy

April 25-28 2006 - Newspaper Editorials comment on decision
Editorials from the Timaru Herald and Southland Times criticise Justice Madgwick's decision. The Timaru Herald says that none of the concerns "stack up"; The Southland Times approach is flippant: It appeals to readers basic instincts of prejudice against Australians ("could only have come from an Australian", "Justice Madgwick needs to be told to run along"). 

In contrast the NZ Herald says that Madwick's decision should not be resented. "This is an instance where our justice has been genuinely found deficient. We need to deal with it". The Press editorial is very considered: It acknowledges there is no undertone of disrespect to the NZ justice system, states clearly that the law is arguable, and concludes that the case needs to be appealed

2006-0428 - Southland Times - Lest ye be judged
2006-0427 - Timaru Herald - Make them face up
2006-0426 - NZ Herald - Australian judge's fear is justified
2006-0425 - The Press - Marylands mess

April 25 2006 - Discussion of the Madgwick decision
Simon Collins of the NZ Herald, discusses the differences in law between New Zealand and Australia, that caused Justice Madgwick to make his ruling. In particular the need for Australian juries to be warned of the problems involved in historical allegations.

2006-0425 - NZ Herald - Jury warning put on scales of 'justice'

April 24 2006 - Review of case
In June 2002 a Press investigation revealed the St John of God Catholic religious order secretly paid out more than $300,000 to five former pupils of the Marylands residential school in Christchurch, who said they were sexually and physically abused in the 1960s and 1970s. In the years since more than 125 complaints about historic sexual abuse involving the St John of God Order have been made and the order has paid out a total of $5.1 million to Marylands complainants. 

(  Critics would point out that the prospect of large amounts of money, has tainted the reliability of the evidence.  The Press review fails to note that there have been successful prosecutions for fraud)

2006-0424 - The Press - Catholic inquiry stretches over four years

April 24-25 2006 - Further discussion & Madgwick decision may be appealed
Police and Crown prosecutors will decide in the next few days whether to appeal against the Australian court decision; Suppression orders are lifted on Roger Moloney

2006-0425 - The Press - Name of alleged sex abuser released
2006-0425 - Dominion Post - Court unmasks Catholic brother in boy sex case
2006-0424 - One News - Extradition decision may be appealed
April 24 2006

Criticism of Justice system needs to be listened to
Press Release

Australian judge Rodney Madgwick has delivered a verdict that effectively says that those accused of historical sex abuse allegations in New Zealand are unable to get a fair trial. This judgment follows the recent petition associated with the Christchurch Creche case concerned with similar issues. The petition requested a commission of inquiry, headed by an overseas judge, into the way sex abuse allegations are investigated and prosecuted in NZ. renews calls for such a commission of inquiry to take place urgently, spokesperson Brian Robinson said today. "New Zealand is reaping the consequences of failing to deal honestly and effectively with the failure of justice in the Christchurch Creche case, both in the conduct of the investigation and trial and the provision of remedies afterwards."

Sex abuse is a terrible crime, but countering such abuse is not advanced by locking up innocent men, or condoning a system that has been branded by Judge Madgwick as "unjust and oppressive". also calls on all lawyers who have rushed in with knee-jerk reactions to defend the system, to step back a while, and actually read the full judgment of Rodney Madgwick. The appropriate action is not to whinge that NZ is being treated unfairly but to fix the glaring defects in our legal system. Madgwick's comments equate our judicial system to that of a banana republic, as lawyer John Miller has pointed out. Rather than petulantly calling out "nonsense" and "bizarre" lawyers would be better advised to make suggestions to improve our justice system - to at least the standard, or better - of what is expected in Australia.

April 22-25 2006 - NZ Reaction supporting Justice Madgwick's decision
Peter Williams  (President, Howard League for Penal Reform): Agrees that the case is unjust; Brian Robinson (Spokesperson,; Calls on lawyers to step back from knee jerk reactions and read the judgment - and fix the glaring defects; Tony Ellis (President, NZ Council for Civil Liberties): urged NZ judges to adopt the Australian practice of always warning juries the defence might be prejudiced in historical sex abuse cases; Greg Walsh (Lawyer for Accused) "From their point of view they're relieved that their ordeal is over now,"

2006-0425 - NZ Herald - Extradition saga ends name suppression for clergyman
2006-0424 - Peter Ellis Org - Criticism of Justice System needs to be listened to
2006-0424 - Newstalk ZB - Support for extradition refusal

Tony Ellis (President, NZ Council for Civil Liberties)

April 22-25 2006 - NZ Reaction criticising Justice Madgwick's decision

Greg Walsh (Lawyer for men): "They're relieved that their ordeal is over now"  John Langford (Wellington lawyer) said suggesting the pair would not get a fair trial in New Zealand was "quite bizarre";  James Rapley (Canterbury Criminal Bar Association president): "The judge saying they would not get a fair trial is most unusual." Ken Clearwater (Chairman of Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse Trust): To be told our justice system is inadequate is wrong. Mother of complainant: "staggered"; Denise Arnold (Legal advisor Ecpat): "Australia a haven for paedophiles?" Chris Finlayson (National Party MP): "unfair and insulting"; Peter Winter (Criminal Bar Association President) "displays a lack of appreciation of New Zealand courts"; John Miller (Criminal lawyer) "These comments are equating us to a banana republic"; Scott Optican (Law Lecturer): The decision has to be incorrect

2006-0425 - Otago Daily Times - NZ judiciary defended by lawyers
2006-0424 - National Radio - Extradition Block Criticised
2006-0424 - NZ Herald - Australian judge's ruling 'insulting, nonsense'
2006-0424 - Newstalk ZB - Judge criticised over "unjust" jibe
2006-0424 - Dominion Post - Aussie judge says NZ courts 'unfair'
2006-0423 - Ecpat - Concerned by Australian Judge's Decision
2006-0422 - One News - Ruling stuns sex abuse campaigners

Ken Clearwater  



April 21 2006 - Australian Federal Court Judgment by Justice Madgwick

In the Federal Court of Australia
New South Wales District Registry
Between            Roger Moloney (First Applicant)

Raymond Garchow (Second Applicant)

And                  New Zealand (First respondent)

                        Magistrate Hugh Christopher Bryant Dillon (Second respondent)

Judge               Justice Madgwick

Date of order    21 April 2006

Where made      Sydney

The Court orders that ........The Decision of his Honour Magistrate Dillon be quashed

2006-0421 - Federal Court Australia - Judgment   (pdf file 748 kB)


April 21 2006 - Australian Court rules no extradition: NZ justice "unfair"
A Local Court magistrate in Sydney last year ordered the extradition of Roger Moloney and Raymond Garchow to New Zealand, but the men asked the Federal Court to review that decision. Justice Rodney Madgwick ruled that the differences in the New Zealand and Australian legal systems, and the length of time since the alleged crimes, would make it difficult for the men to receive a fair trial. He said despite the great seriousness and distressing quality of the allegations, it would be unjust for the extradition to go ahead

2006-0424 - The Press - Priest-sex case blocked
2006-0421 - The Australian - Child sex extradition overturned
2006-0421 - ABC Online - Clergymen's NZ child sex charges extradition overturned