Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

St John of God - Marylands - Index

2006/2 - Moloney & Garchow; Federal Court Appeal


NZ Herald
April 26 2006

Historical rape allegations
Letter to the Editor
by Paula Weir, Christchurch

I applaud Australian judge Rodney Madgwick's decision to decline to extradite the two St John of God clergymen facing historical sexual abuse allegations.

I abhor the crimes they are accused of, but I have grave concerns they will get a fair trial in New Zealand, especially in Christchurch, the home of sexual hysteria and the biggest miscarriage of justice every committed - the Peter Ellis case.

The Christchurch police have failed on numerous occasions to prevent contamination of complainants' statements and to adequately investigate evidence and alibis associated with historical claims. There is no proof that, currently, their investigations are any less flawed.

Until the judicial system stops approaching the accused with a prejudicial mindset and starts checking more thoroughly the veracity of complainants' backgrounds, especially where memory reliability is concerned, and ensuring equality of disclosure to both the defence and prosecution, I doubt we will see fair and just outcomes in most historical cases.