Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

St John of God - Marylands - Index

2006/2 - Moloney & Garchow; Federal Court Appeal


NZ Herald
April 26 2006

Historical rape allegations
Letter to the Editor
by Richie Poole, Warkworth.

No wonder New Zealand legal experts are mortified by the judgement of Justice? Rodney Madgwick. This country is where the alleged offences were committed, not Australia, and the two should be tried here.

It is a legal premise that a crime should be judged according to the laws of the land where the offence as been committed.

It is repugnant that a citizen of a country originally populated by convicts should have the gall to criticise our legal process, when our settlers were free people seeking a better life. One hopes the Government will make overtures to redress this nonsense.