Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

St John of God - Marylands - Index

2006/2 - Moloney & Garchow; Federal Court Appeal


Newstalk ZB
April 27 2006; 16:24

Anger at sex abuse sentence

There has been astonishment and anger over the sentence given to a former Catholic brother for abusing boys at Marylands School in Christchurch.

Bernard McGrath received a five year sentence after being convicted on 21 counts relating to abuse committed at the school in the 1970s.

One of his victims tearfully spoke following the sentencing today. "Al" says he lives an ongoing nightmare as a result of his time at Marylands and the sentence is far too short. He says he thinks a sentence of eight to 11 years would have been more appropriate.

Al says he will be living with the horror for the rest of his life and for him the nightmare will never be over.

The Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse Trust also believes the High Court was too lenient, dismissing it as "totally unacceptable".

Trust spokesman Ken Clearwater was in the High Court today as Bernard McGrath was sentenced to five years jail on 21 counts. He told Newstalk ZB he was "bloody disgusted".

He says he was expecting a sentence of up to twelve years, but five years is "just a joke".

In fact, the judge started at 11 years but reduced that because of time that McGrath had already served in Australia and New Zealand.

An extra year was also handed down on top of the five year sentence but will be served concurrently.