Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

St John of God - Marylands - Index

2006/2 - Moloney & Garchow; Federal Court Appeal


The Press
April 27 2006

Plea to PM on clergy
by Arwen Hann

Prime Minister Helen Clark has been asked to intervene over the decision not to extradite two Catholic clergymen to face charges of sexual abuse.

Ken Clearwater, manager of the Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse Trust, which has supported many of the alleged victims, has contacted Clark to ask the Government to get involved after Raymond Garchow and Rodger Moloney had their extradition order overturned by an Australian Federal Court judge last week.

The two men, from the St John of God Order, were due to face charges of sexual abuse against children at Marylands Special School in Christchurch in the 1970s, but Justice Rodney Madgwick said in Sydney that the delay in bringing the charges meant the pair would not get a fair trial in New Zealand.

He said he was worried there was no guarantee a New Zealand judge would make the problems of dealing with old allegations clear to the jury.

In his submission to Clark, Clearwater said that as many of the boys were wards of state or placed at the school by the former Department of Social Welfare, the Government should support them.

A spokesman for Clark said Clearwater's submission had not yet been received.

New Zealand police are still deciding whether to appeal against the judge's decision.