Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

St John of God - Marylands - Index

2006/2 - Moloney & Garchow; Federal Court Appeal


The Dominion Post
May 1 2006

Judge's views are vital
Letter to the Editor
by Martin Bond, Brooklyn

Australian Judge Rodney Madgwick seems to have ruffled the feathers of some legal practitioners and other professions who have their ear with his comments about certain cases that come before the New Zealand courts (April 24).

His comments are timely and if it takes the actions of an overseas judge to do this, so be it.

Anyone who supposes that the flagrant miscarriages of justice perpetrated and perpetuated in the Peter Ellis judgments have not blighted the integrity of our judicial system in the eyes of many for a long time to come has underestimated the situation.

The views of external commentators such as Judge Madgwick are vitally important now that we have jettisoned the Privy Council as our ultimate court of appeal and are left with only our own apparently inadequate and short-circuiting judicial system.








The Dominion Post
May 1 2006

This isn't pre- war Germany
Letter to the Editor
by Graeme Sutherland, Mt Cook

Perhaps Australian judge Rodney Madgwick knows the truth about the incompetence of some of our so-called judges. The secretive Family Court needs to be opened up so the public can see the truth and the biased, anti-male attitudes of the bench.

My three children and I can attest to this. We have the massive legal bills and have spent more than 14 years in that bigoted institution.

The public needs to be aware of the truth -- this isn't pre-war Germany.

The Family Court needs qualified people on the bench. Being a lawyer doesn't make them qualified. My congratulations to Judge Madgwick.