Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

St John of God - Marylands - Index

2006/3 - Moloney & Garchow; High Court Appeal


The Press
October 5 2006

Legal eyes on extradition ruling on clergymen
by Yvonne Martin

The legal fraternity will closely monitor a ruling today on whether two Catholic clergymen will be forced to come back to New Zealand from Australia to face historical sexual-abuse charges.

Brother Rodger Moloney, 71, and Father Raymond Garchow, 58, have been fighting extradition since their arrest nearly three years ago on charges relating to when they taught at a St John of God Order school in Halswell, Christchurch.

Moloney faces 28 charges of allegedly assaulting 12 boys between 1971 and 1977 at the Marylands residential school for the disadvantaged. Garchow faces four charges, dating from between 1971 and 1980.

In August, a full bench of five Federal Court judges in Sydney heard an appeal from New Zealand authorities after the court controversially overturned an extradition order for the two men.

Justice Rodney Madgwick upset some members of New Zealand's legal fraternity when he ruled in April that the men would not get a fair trial if they were extradited.

He said the pair would face an "unjust or oppressive" hearing because of the age of the charges and the fact that New Zealand judges were not required to point out the difficulty of such cases to jurors, as they were in Australia.

Auckland University associate professor of law Scott Optican said the latest judgment would be closely watched for its attitude towards New Zealand's criminal justice system, rather than for setting precedents for rare extraditions from Australia.

"When first this issue came out there were people in New Zealand who felt that it didn't give enough deference and respect to the criminal justice processes in this country that make sure a fair trial is guaranteed," he said. "I think the real issue in the case is going to be making sure that the judges in their decision – no matter what their decision is – take a good, hard look at the due process protections that exist in this country for ensuring the fair trial of defendants in historical sex-abuse cases."

Canterbury Criminal Bar Association spokesman James Rapley said: "A large number of defence lawyers do have very real concerns about our trials and trial processes when it comes to sexual cases.

"Those are issues as to whether it's fair, whether things have gone too far in one direction – that is, more pro-complainant than pro-accused – and whether there needs to be some thought go into that."

He believed the case could have wider implications for future extradition attempts.

Madgwick's judgment also raised the issue that different rules applied to New Zealand extraditions than to other countries.

Because the rules allowed Australian judges to look into the justice of a case in New Zealand, which they could not do for other countries, it meant it was sometimes easier to extradite to places like Zimbabwe than across the Tasman.