Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

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This page last updated October 23 2006

October 19 2006   Accused appear in Christchurch Court
Two clergymen appeared in court in Christchurch.  They were granted bailed, and the judge made an order that no images of the pair be published until a further order is made. The men will reappear on November 2.

2006-1020 - The Press - Decisive move for fair trial
2006-1020 - NZ Herald - Court bans images of clerics facing sex charges
2006-1020 - Dominion Post - Clergymen bailed
2006-1019 - The Press - Accused brothers appear in court
2006-1019 - NZ Herald - Extradited clergymen bailed
2006-1019 - Newstalk ZB 14:08 - Clergymen's images suppressed
2006-1019 - Newstalk ZB 11:17 - Clergymen granted bail in Christchurch
2006-1019 - Radio NZ - 10:31 - -Two Catholic clergy extradited from Australia granted bail

October 19 2006;  Accused arrive in New Zealand
The pair arrive in New Zealand, accompanied on their flight by their lawyer Greg Walsh. They maintain their innocence and intend to defend the charges. Ken Clearwater expresses pleasure pair are in New Zealand

2006-1019 - The Press - Pair arrive to face trial
2006-1019 - One News - Extradited clergymen due in court
2006-1019 - Radio NZ - 05:16 - Extradited clergy due to appear in court
2006-1019 - Newstalk ZB - 05:08 - Clergymen arrive to face sex charges

     Lawyer Greg Walsh

October 18 2006;  Uncertainty over arrival of accused
Initial uncertainty over when pair will arrive in New Zealand, and then confirmation that they will arrive later in day.

2006-1018 - The Press - Return date unclear for accused clergy
2006-1018 - NZ Herald - Secrecy over return of clergymen to face sex charges
2006-1018 - Newstalk ZB - Clergymen will appear in court tomorrow
October 17 2006

New Zealand Justice on Trial
Media Release

The Australian courts have permitted extradition of two clergymen to New Zealand to face sex charges. hopes that our justice system will heed Australian Justice Madgwick, who raised serious concerns that the men may not receive a fair trial in New Zealand, spokesperson Richard Christie says.

In particular

·                     Will the two men receive separate trials from each other in New Zealand? Joint trials would likely be regarded as unjust in Australia and not occur.

·                     Will the jury be given a strong warning by the judge as tothe very real problems in meeting such old allegations? In Australia the accused would have such a guarantee.

·                     Will the two men face "representative charges"? Such charges are not permitted in Australia, where Justice Madgwick quite rightly pointed out: "How can a man defend himself if he doesn't know when the alleged offence is supposed to have happened?

·                     Will the jury be warned of the dangers associated with mass allegation cases, including concoction or unconscious contamination of complainant testimony? Many of the complainants were interviewed repeatedly by the same psychiatrist and attended victim's group sessions.

·                     Will the jury be warned that the reliability of the complainants' evidence is hopelessly compromised by the tens of thousands of dollars offered to anybody willing to claim that they were victims of abuse? hopes that the New Zealand Law Commission does not react to the extradition decision by dismissing the concerns raised by Justice Madgwick about the New Zealand justice system. The Commission could take the advice of Judith Ablett-Kerr QC and seize the opportunity to examine the way Australia deals with the issues, to see if we can improve our own system.

October 17 2006; Waiting for extradition of accused
Initial expectation that pair will be extradited immediately after appeal on 16th October.

2006-1017 - The Press - Clergy in sex case due today in Chch
2006-1017 - Stuff - Clergymen likely to be extradited today
2006-1017 - NZ Herald - Extradited clergymen could arrive in Christchurch today
2006-1017 - Dominion Post - Pair to be extradited
2006-1017 - Radio NZ - No extradition today
2006-1017 - One News - Accused clergymen still in Aust
2006-1017 - - New Zealand Justice on Trial

October 16 2006;  Appeal on extradition is lost
Pair lose appeal on extradition. The appeal is short. The men's counsel, Tim Gain, had 20 minutes to put his case, and the Commonwealth the same amount in reply. Chief Justice Murray Gleeson and Justices William Gummow and Dyson Heydon then adjourned for five minutes before dismissing the application. "We are not persuaded that the interests of justice require the granting of special leave to appeal to this court," Chief Justice Gleeson said.  Rodger Moloney faces 28 charges of abusing boys at Marylands, a school run by the St John of God order. Raymond Garchow faces four charges. Police allege the offences were committed between 1971 and 1980. The school closed in 1985.

2006-1016 - Stuff - Former clergymen lose appeal against extradition
2006-1016 - Radio NZ - Priests lose fight to avoid extradition to NZ
2006-1016 - Radio NZ - Catholic Justice
2006-1016 - One News - Clergymen face extradition
2006-1016 - NZ Herald - Two clergymen on way to NZ to face sex charges

October 13;  High Court Appeal granted
High Court Appeal hearing was granted for 16 October. Chief Justice Gleeson said two fellow High Court judges would hear their application for special leave to appeal on Monday.

2006-1014 - Dominion Post - Hearing granted
2006-1013 - Stuff - Hearing granted for extradition appeal

October 6 2006   Comments on Federal Court Decision
Justice Catherine Branson (in judgment): "Both countries were aware of the difficulties, although they may address them in different ways" "The courts of both countries have exactly the same object, which is a fair trial"


Scott Optican (Auckland University lecturer): "The Federal Court made a correct call, I have no doubt that these people are going to get a fair trial, or at least as fair trial as they'd get in Australia. So extradition is warranted. The requirements of a fair trial in New Zealand are exactly the same as they are in Australia. It is that simple"

James Rapley (Canterbury Criminal Bar Association spokesman): I think the decision is the right one in that our courts do strive to ensure that there's a fair trial

Brian Uttinger (Former Marylands pupil):  "Remember me? I'm not a little fella any more." Welcomed decision; 

Ken Clearwater (Male survivors of Sex Abuse Trust): "Rapt",
John Prince (Male Survivors of Sex Abuse Trust)  "p
leased that common sense has prevailed"

2006-1006 - The Press - Clergy sent back for trial
2006-1006 - One News - Claims of much more abuse
2006-1006 - NZ Herald - Path cleared for clergy to face abuse charges
2006-1006 - Newstalk ZB - 08:44 - Supporters of alleged victims welcome extradition
2006-1005 - Radio NZ - 19:46 - Legal expert says Australian court was right to reverse decision
2006-1005 - Radio NZ - 17:18 - Sex abuse survivors trust pleased

October 5 2006   Federal Court upholds appeal by NZ requesting extradition
Australia Federal Court has upheld an appeal by New Zealand authorities against an earlier ruling in April. A full bench of five judges has overturned Justice Rodney Madgwick's controversial ruling that it would be "unjust and oppressive" to extradite the men because of the delay in bringing the charges and differences between the two countries' legal systems. In particular, Madgwick highlighted that New Zealand judges were not required to point out the difficulty of such cases to jurors, as they were in Australia.

2006-1006 - The Press - Clergy sent back for trial
2006-1005 - Radio NZ - 20:32 - Two Clergymen taken into custody
2006-1005 - Radio NZ - 17:57 - Police take into custody
2006-1005 - One News - Catholic brothers to be extradited
2006-1005 - NZ Herald - Court rules two clergy can be extradited to NZ
2006-1005 - Stuff - Clergymen to face sex charges in NZ
2006-1005 - Stuff - Clergymen can be extradited over sex charges
2006-1005 - Radio NZ - 15:56 - Extradition
2006-1005 - Newstalk ZB - 15:32 - CatholicsExtradited.htm
2006-1005 - Radio NZ - 14:09 - Extradition Appeal

October 5 2006   Decision on extradition expected
Decision of August appeal expected, and issues discussed. Justice Rodney Madgwick upset some members of New Zealand's legal fraternity when he ruled in April that the men would not get a fair trial if they were extradited. He said the pair would face an "unjust or oppressive" hearing because of the age of the charges and the fact that New Zealand judges were not required to point out the difficulty of such cases to jurors, as they were in Australia

Scott Optican; (Law lecturer, Auckland University) "I think the real issue in the case is going to be making sure that the judges in their decision – no matter what their decision is – take a good, hard look at the due process protections that exist in this country for ensuring the fair trial of defendants in historical sex-abuse cases."

James Rapley (Canterbury Criminal Bar Association spokesman): "A large number of defence lawyers do have very real concerns about our trials and trial processes when it comes to sexual cases.  "Those are issues as to whether it's fair, whether things have gone too far in one direction – that is, more pro-complainant than pro-accused – and whether there needs to be some thought go into that."

2006-1005 - The Press - Legal eyes on extradition ruling on clergymen

August 2 2006   Australian Federal Court Appeal Held
Five justices – the full bench of the Federal Court – heard the appeal on 2nd August, reserving their decision.  Justice Rodney Madgwick had ruled in April that it would be "unjust and oppressive" to extradite Brother Rodger Moloney, 71, and Father Raymond Garchow, 59, to New Zealand to face charges. New Zealand authorities say Madgwick erred in ruling against the extradition of the  two Catholic clergymen

2006-0803 - Sydney Morning Herald - Fresh extradition battle for clerics on sex charges
2006-0803 - Stuff - NZ appeals clergy extradition decision