Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

St John of God - Marylands - Index

2006/3 - Moloney & Garchow; High Court Appeal


The Press
October 18 2006

Return date unclear for accused clergy
by Jo McKenzie-McLean

Police are uncertain when two Catholic clergymen facing historical sex abuse charges will arrive in Christchurch from Sydney.

Brother Rodger Moloney, 71, and Father Raymond Garchow, 59, were due to arrive in Christchurch yesterday after nearly three years of legal bids fighting their extradition from Australia.

However, Australian authorities had to complete processing paperwork before the men could leave.

Detective Sergeant Earle Borrell said Christchurch police were still waiting for confirmation of when the men would be extradited. "It should be in the next couple of days, but there's no way of confirming it yet."

Police headquarters spokesman Jon Neilson said police were only given formal notification of the pair's extradition yesterday. "We only heard they were coming back through the media."

The extradition process would involve police from Christchurch travelling to Australia to bring the clergymen back, Neilson said.

The pair have been in custody since October 5 when the Federal Court ordered their return to Christchurch where police want them to stand trial on charges relating to their tenure at the former Marylands school, which catered mainly for boys with intellectual disabilities.

Moloney faces 28 charges of abusing boys at Marylands, a school run by the St John of God Order. Garchow faces four charges. Police allege the offences were committed between 1971 and 1980.