Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

St John of God - Marylands - Index

2006/3 - Moloney & Garchow; High Court Appeal


The Press
October 19 2006

Pair arrive to face trial
by Beck Eleven

Two Catholic clergymen accused of historical sex abuse charges evaded media as they arrived in Christchurch on a flight from Sydney late last night.

Father Raymond Garchow, 59, and Brother Rodger Moloney, 71, were whisked away from the airport's public area.

They were accompanied on the flight by their lawyer, Greg Walsh, who told media: "It is inappropriate for me to comment while the matter is before the New Zealand courts. Their fight for justice has just begun and they maintain their innocence."

The pair were going to defend the charges, he said, and were due in court this morning. They were last night taken to the Christchurch Central Police Station.

Moloney faces 28 charges of abusing boys at Marylands, a Christchurch school run by the St John of God order. Garchow faces four charges. The pair have fought their extradition from Australia