Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

St John of God - Marylands - Index

2006/3 - Moloney & Garchow; High Court Appeal


NZ Herald
October 20 2006

Court bans images of clerics facing sex charges

Two former Marylands School clergymen accused of historical sexual abuse were yesterday granted bail at a brief hearing in the Christchurch District Court following their extradition from Australia.

Brother Roger Moloney and Father Raymond Garchow arrived at Christchurch Airport on Wednesday night and were taken to the Christchurch Central Police Station before being brought before Judge Patrick Mahony yesterday.

Bail conditions had been already agreed and were set out in a memorandum which was not read in court. Nor were the usual charge sheets setting out the allegations available at the hearing.

It is believed Moloney, 71, will face 28 charges allegedly involving 12 boys at Marylands School between 1971 and 1977, and that Garchow, 58, will face four charges.

The Catholic clergymen were remanded to appear on November 2.

The court banned any further publication of their images.

The men had fought extradition since their arrest in 2003, and on Monday their last legal avenue was exhausted when the High Court in Australia refused special leave to appeal against a Federal Court ruling in favour of extradition.