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Drug-rapes - Taranaki Hysteria December 2006


December 7 2006

Police call for Taranaki drug rape victims to come forward

Police today appealed to women who have reported being drugged and raped in Taranaki in the past week to come forward.

Detective Senior Sergeant Grant Coward said Taranaki police were "very concerned" about the seven alleged drug rapes but had so far received no formal complaints.

He understood why victims did not always come forward, but he encouraged these women do so.

The women complained to rape crisis centres about the attacks after they had been to pubs with friends on either Thursday, Friday or Saturday night in Stratford or New Plymouth.

It was possible the seven were only the tip of the iceberg, New Plymouth Safer Centre spokeswoman Lorraine Jans, of New Plymouth, said. It was possible a gang of men could be behind the attacks.

Mr Coward said today that if the victims came forward "we can, and will, investigate their complaints.

"Even if they can't remember what happened, we may be able to advance the investigation by other means, including scene examinations and forensic testing."

Mr Coward said Hawera police were currently investigating a separate alleged rape from last weekend, but it was too early to tell if it was drug rape.

He advised women not to leave drinks unattended, not to accept drinks from strangers and to look after each other.