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Drug-rapes - Taranaki Hysteria December 2006


Taranaki Daily News
December 7 2006

'It makes any girl feel insecure'

Young New Plymouth women are shocked and frightened for their safety in bars after an apparent spate of drug-induced sex attacks.

In less than seven days, seven women have reported rapes to regional rape crisis centres.

The Taranaki Daily News asked young women what they felt about the attacks.

Emily Simpson (21) said she didn't think it would happen in New Plymouth.

"It makes any girl feel insecure going out."

She goes out regularly but sticks with her friends or boyfriend. She always keeps her drink in her hands and buys bottles so it is harder to slip drugs in.

"(Drinking) from a bottle is safer than a glass."

Chloe Cresswell (18) says girls need to be careful what they wear when they go out.

"If you see the look of some of the girls when they go into town -- they look slutty," she said.

When she's in town Chloe sticks with her mates. She drinks before going into town.

Esther Jury (16) was shocked to learn of the number of drug-induced rapes.

"It scares me because it could happen to me," she said.

Sophie Hickford (17) says she doesn't drink too much, so she remains in control.

Tahlia Rangiwananga (17) was stunned.

"You don't think it can happen to you but it can. You don't think people are like that."