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Drug-rapes - Taranaki Hysteria December 2006


The Southland Times
December 8 2006

Spate of alleged drug rapes
by Jayne Hulbert

The head of New Plymouth CIB is urging the seven victims of alleged drug rapes to come forward.

So far just one of the women has complained to police.

Detective Senior Sergeant Grant Coward said Taranaki police were very concerned about the alleged drug rapes.

Mr Coward said while the Hawera CIB were investigating an alleged rape from last weekend, he said it was too early to say if it was drug rape.

In less than one week seven women, aged 19 to 38, reported to local rape crisis centres of being drugged and raped in Taranaki.

All the women had been at pubs or hotels with a group of friends on either Thursday, Friday or Saturday night in Stratford or New Plymouth.

The women woke up in unfamiliar surroundings after allegedly being subjected to often brutal attacks. However, Mr Coward rejected the possibility that it could be a gang of men at work attacking women.

Mr Coward encouraged victims to come forward.New Plymouth Safer Centre spokeswoman Lorraine Jans said one of the victims complained to police and two women provided samples to their doctors in a bid to find out what they had been drugged with.

She says the women are all traumatised and shocked about what has happened to them but also felt encouraged by the fact they weren't alone.