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Drug-rapes - Taranaki Hysteria December 2006


Taranaki Daily News
December 12 2006

Letter to the Editor
by Alisha Stone & Tamara Higgs
Health Promotion Unit , Taranaki District Health Board

We read with concern the recent articles about spiked drinks and rape, and we commend these brave women for reporting these horrific offences to agencies.

It is unacceptable, however, to place any of the blame for rape on the victim, regardless of the clothes she has chosen to wear.

The focus of these two articles (December 7) should be the alarming fact that people are using drugs and alcohol to commit sexual assault.

As a community, we need to be asking how do we stop occurrences of sexual violence and one answer is not about changing what women wear.

Drink-spiking is not a new issue. We commend the agencies and licensed premises that are taking a firm stance on this issue.

We need to acknowledge that this is happening in our region, and take a pro-active stance to looking after ourselves and others.