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Drug-rapes - Taranaki Hysteria December 2006


The Dominion Post
December 14 2006

23 cases reported

National publicity about unprecedented numbers of drug- rapes in Taranaki pubs and bars has resulted in an additional 23 reported cases throughout New Zealand.

Rape Crisis centres now believe the cases might be only the tip of the iceberg, and police are frustrated that only a small percentage of victims are reporting the crimes.

Taranaki rape crisis centres issued a public alert last week after nine Stratford and New Plymouth women told them they had been drug-raped between November 30 and December 3.

Hawera Rape Crisis centre, which runs a nationwide call- centre, has since heard from another 23 drug-rape victims as a result of the publicity. "They are from all over: Christchurch, Morrinsville, Wellington," a spokeswoman said.